INVESTMENT IN PHU QUOC ISLAND 2004 – MP Law Firm - Công ty luật hợp danh MP Tue, 04 Aug 2020 15:19:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thông báo số 233/TB-VPCP của Văn phòng Chính phủ về việc thông báo kết luận của Phó thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng tại cuộc họp triển khai thực hiện Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTg ngày 05/10/2004 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt “Đề án phát triển tổng thể đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang đến năm 2010 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2020” Fri, 03 Nov 2017 18:00:22 +0000 VĂN PHÒNG CHÍNH PHỦ ****** CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc ******** Số: 233/TB-VPCP Hà Nội, ngày 08 tháng 12 năm 2004   THÔNG BÁO KẾT LUẬN CỦA PHÓ THỦ TƯỚNG NGUYỄN TẤN DŨNG TẠI CUỘC HỌP TRIỂN KHAI THỰC HIỆN QUYẾT ĐỊNH SỐ 178/2004/QĐ-TTG NGÀY 05/10/2004 […]

The post Thông báo số 233/TB-VPCP của Văn phòng Chính phủ về việc thông báo kết luận của Phó thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng tại cuộc họp triển khai thực hiện Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTg ngày 05/10/2004 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt “Đề án phát triển tổng thể đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang đến năm 2010 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2020” appeared first on MP Law Firm.



Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc


Số: 233/TB-VPCP

Hà Nội, ngày 08 tháng 12 năm 2004




Ngày 08 tháng 10 năm 2004, tại trụ sở Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Tấn Dũng đã chủ trì phiên họp triển khai thực hiện Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTgngày 05 tháng 10 năm 2004 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ. Cùng dự có đại diện lãnh đạo các Bộ, cơ quan: Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, Xây dựng, Thủy sản, Giáo dục và Đào tạo, Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn, Tài chính, Quốc phòng, Công an, Tài nguyên và môi trường, Giao thông vận tải, Ban chỉ đạo Tây Nam Bộ, Văn phòng Chính phủ, Tổng cục Du lịch, Bộ Tư lệnh Hải quân, Bộ Tư lệnh Quân khu 9, Cục hàng không Việt Nam, Ủy ban nhân dân thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Tổng công ty Du dịch Sài Gòn; Tỉnh ủy, Hội đồng nhân dân, Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, đại diện lãnh đạo huyện Phú Quốc. Sau khi tiếp thu toàn văn Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTg nghe báo cáo của lãnh đạo tỉnh Kiên Giang về tình hình thực hiện ý kiến kết luận của Thủ tướng Chính phủ tại thông báo số 189/TB-VPCP ngày 18 tháng 02 năm 2002, ý kiến của Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư, phát biểu của các Bộ, cơ quan; Phó Thủ tướng Thường trực Nguyễn Tấn Dũng kết luận như sau:
Đảo Phú Quốc ở vào vị trí tiền tiêu phía Tây Nam Tổ quốc, vừa có tiềm năng phát triển kinh tế to lớn, vừa có vị trí quân sự đặc biệt quan trọng trong chiến lược phòng thủ đất nước. Để tiếp tục triển khai thực hiện Nghị định Đại hội IX của Đảng nhằm khai thác mọi tiềm năng lợi thế để công nghiệp hóa, hiện đại hóa đất nước, ngày 05 tháng 10 năm 2004 Thủ tướng Chính phủ đã ban hành Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTg phê duyệt “Đề án phát triển tổng thể đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang đến năm 2010 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2020”.
Để triển khai thực hiện có hiệu quả Quyết định trên, các Bộ, ngành và Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, Ủy ban nhân dân thành phố Hồ Chí Minh khẩn trương triển khai một số việc sau đây:
1. Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang và Ủy ban nhân dân huyện Phú Quốc:
– Triển khai ngay các biện pháp quản lý chặt chẽ đất đai trên Đảo, chấn chỉnh và xử lý nghiêm tình trạng vi phạm pháp luật về đất đai và tình trạng chặt phá rừng. Có quy hoạch và kiểm soát chặt chẽ tình trạng di dân tự phát ra Đảo.
– Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, Ủy ban nhân dân huyện Phú Quốc xây dựng kế hoạch triển khai thực hiện Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về phát triển đảo Phú Quốc; tăng cường bộ máy lãnh đạo, quản lý của huyện Phú Quốc đáp ứng yêu cầu của tình hình mới. Với trách nhiệm là chủ Đề án, Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang phải đề cao trách nhiệm chủ động phối hợp với các Bộ và các cơ quan liên quan triển khai đồng bộ các công việc để thực hiện hiệu quả Quyết định của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.
2. Ủy ban nhân dân thành phố Hồ Chi Minh:
Cần hợp tác tích cực với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang trong việc thực hiện Đề án tổng thể phát triển đảo Phú Quốc, nhất là trên lĩnh vực phát triển du lịch. Trước mắt, trong quý I năm 2005 hai địa phương cùng Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư phối hợp tổ chức Hội thảo xúc tiến đầu tư nhằm quảng bá Đề án phát triển tổng thể đảo Phú Quốc với các nhà đầu tư trong nước và ngoài nước.
3. Các Bộ, cơ quan Trung ương:
a) Bộ Xây dựng chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, các cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch tổng thể xây dựng và phát triển đảo Phú Quốc, trình Thủ tường Chính phủ phê duyệt trong các quý II năm 2005, làm cơ sở triển khai các quy hoạch chi tiết xây dựng, quy hoạch phát triển ngành, các dự án đầu tư và tổ chức quản lý đầu tư theo quy hoạch được duyệt
Trong quá trình xây dựng quy hoạch tổng thể xây dựng và phát triển Đảo cần tham khảo quy hoạch các ngành.
b) Tổng Cục Du lịch chủ trì phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch, kế hoạch phát triển du lịch Phú Quốc theo hướng chủ yếu là du lịch chất lượng cao, gắn liền với nhiệm vụ bảo đảm an ninh, quốc phòng, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
c) Bộ Giao thông vận tải chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch, kế hoạch phát triển giao thông, vận tải trên Đảo phù hợp với định hướng, mục tiêu phát triển. Trong khi chờ quy hoạch giao thông trên đảo được phê duyệt, cho phép triển khai trước các dự án, công trình đã được duyệt và đã rõ là phù hợp với quy hoạch. Nghiên cứu đề án nâng cấp và xây dựng sân bay mới, cảng biển cho tầu khách du lịch, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong qúy I năm 2005.
d) Bộ Quốc phòng chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang tiến hành điều chỉnh lại phương án phòng thủ, bảo đảm quốc phòng và gắn với nhiệm vụ ưu tiên phát kinh tế – xã hội, đồng thời rà soát lại quy hoạch sử dụng đất quốc phòng, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
đ) Bộ công an, tiến hành rà soát và điều chỉnh phương án bảo vệ, an ninh an toàn xã hội phục vụ cho mục tiêu phát triển Đảo; phối hợp với các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan và chính quyền địa phương, xây dựng cơ chế tiếp nhận và quản lý du khách phù hợp, theo hướng đơn giản và thuận lợi, nhưng phải bảo đảm an toàn, an ninh trật tự trên Đảo, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
e) Bộ Ngoại giao chủ trì, phối hợp với Bộ Công an, cơ quan liên quan và Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang xây dựng Đề án về việc cấp thị thực xuất, nhập cảnh, định cư tại Đảo, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
f) Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch, phương án bảo vệ và phát triển rừng, đặc biệt đối với Vườn Quốc gia Phú Quốc; phối hợp với Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường khảo sát xây dựng các hồ chứa nước phục vụ phát triển kinh tế và nhu cầu đời sống của nhân dân, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
g) Bộ Tài nguyên và Môi trường phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch sử dụng đất, bảo vệ môi trường và quản lý sử dụng có hiệu quả nguồn nước trên đảo, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005..
h) Bộ Thủy sản chủ trì, phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch phát triển thủy sản, nghiên cứu đề án lập Vườn Quốc gia biển phục vụ phát triển du lịch, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ trong qúy I năm 2005.
i) Bộ Công nghiệp chủ trì, phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch phát triển công nghiệp theo hướng công nghiệp sạch, phục vụ du lịch; quy hoạch hệ thống cấp điện cho Đảo, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
k) Bộ Bưu chính, Viễn thông chủ trì, phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, các Bộ, cơ quan liên quan chỉ đạo việc lập quy hoạch mạng lưới bưu chính, viễn thông, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
l) Bộ Thương mại chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang xây dựng Đề án phát triển đảo Phú Quốc thành “Trung tâm giao thương Quốc tế lớn”; quy hoạch và cụ thể hóa các cơ chế chính sách về phát triển thương mại của đảo Phú Quốc (về xuất nhập khẩu, kho ngoại quan, cửa hàng miễn thuế, tạm nhập tái xuất, quá cảnh hàng hóa, phát triển mạng lưới thương mại…), trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ trong quý II năm 2005.
m) Bộ Nội vụ chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang nghiên cứu trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ trong quý I năm 2005 về bộ máy tổ chức quản lý của Phú Quốc để đảm bảo đủ khả năng tổ chức thực hiện Đề án phát triển tổng thể đảo Phú Quốc.
n) Bộ Tài chính chủ trì, phối hợp với Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư và Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang xây dựng cơ chế huy động vốn để tạo vốn phát triển đảo Phú Quốc, trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005.
o) Bộ Kế hoạch và Đầu tư chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang nghiên cứu trình Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt trong quý I năm 2005 về cơ chế và tổ chức theo dõi chỉ đạo triển khai thực hiện Quyết định số 178 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.
p) Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam, các Bộ: Lao động – Thương binh và Xã hội, Y tế, Giáo dục và Đào tạo, văn hoá – thông tin, Ủy ban thể dục thể thao, Đài Tiếng nói Việt Nam theo chức năng nhiệm vụ của mình, chủ trì và phối hợp với Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang xây dựng đề án, quy hoạch và hướng dẫn thực hiện Quyết định 178 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ.
Văn phòng Chính phủ xin thông báo để các Bộ, cơ quan, Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Kiên Giang, Ủy ban nhân dân huyện Phú Quốc, Ủy ban nhân dân thành phố Hồ Chí minh biết, thực hiện.


Nguyễn Văn Lâm

The post Thông báo số 233/TB-VPCP của Văn phòng Chính phủ về việc thông báo kết luận của Phó thủ tướng Nguyễn Tấn Dũng tại cuộc họp triển khai thực hiện Quyết định số 178/2004/QĐ-TTg ngày 05/10/2004 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ phê duyệt “Đề án phát triển tổng thể đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang đến năm 2010 và tầm nhìn đến năm 2020” appeared first on MP Law Firm.

Decision No. 178/2004/QD-TTg of October 5, 2004 Tue, 05 Oct 2004 13:03:57 +0000 THE PRIME MINISTER OF GOVERNMENT ———– SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness ————– No. 178/2004/QD-TTg Hanoi, October 5, 2004   DECISION APPROVING THE OVERALL SCHEME ON DEVELOPMENT OF PHU QUOC ISLAND, KIEN GIANG PROVINCE, TILL 2010, WITH A VISION TOWARD 2020 THE PRIME MINISTER Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law […]

The post Decision No. 178/2004/QD-TTg of October 5, 2004 appeared first on MP Law Firm.



Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No. 178/2004/QD-TTg

Hanoi, October 5, 2004





Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
At the proposal of the Minister of Planning and Investment in Report No. 3309/BKH-CLPT of June 1, 2004,


Article 1.- To approve the overall scheme on development of Phu Quoc island, Kien Giang province, till 2010, with a vision towards 2020 for use as basis for elaborating and directing the implementation of socio-economic development plan, ensuring security and defense for the island.
Phu Quoc island locates as the southwestern outpost, having great potentials for economic development and occupying a military position of particular importance in the national defense strategy. The development of Phu Quoc island must be based on the following principles:
– Giving priority to sustainable socio-economic development in association of the maintenance of landscapes and ecological environment. Concentrating efforts on building and developing Phu Quoc island according to a proper plan and step into a big and modern tourist, convalescent and international trade center of the Mekong river delta region to the southwest of the country and step by step formulating a regional and international tourist and trade center.
– Development of Phu Quoc island must link to the defense and security requirements of the island and the whole country.
– Development of Phu Quoc island must link to, and be in close coordination with, the Mekong river delta region, Ho Chi Minh city and in its relation with Southeast Asian region. Development of Phu Quoc island also aims to boost the sustainable development of the Mekong river delta region as well as the whole country.
– Concentrating efforts on prioritizing the vigorous development of tourism and continuing to develop high-quality tourism as planned; at the same time boosting the development of other tourist services so as to meet the requirements of bringing into full play the strength of the island.
– Mobilizing resources of all economic sectors at home and abroad for development of Phu Quoc island. The State budget shall prioritize the investment in essential infrastructure of the island.
Article 2.- Striving to achieve the following major development objectives:
– To create a step of vigorous development of economic potentials, contributing to the common national development, strengthening security and defense of Phu Quoc island. To step by step build Phu Quoc island into a tourist center (ecological tourism, convalescence and marine tourism) of regional and international magnitude with form of high-quality tourism, attracting foreign tourists and meeting the requirements of domestic tourists.
– By 2010, to strive to have formed a number of high-quality tourist and entertainment as well recreation resorts, annually attracting around 300- 350 thousand tourists and considerably contributing to creation of jobs for, and raising the cultural and social life of, people in Phu Quoc and islands within Phu Quoc island district.
– By 2020, to basically complete the construction of Phu Quoc island into a tourist center with the development of high-quality marine eco-tourism, annually attracting around 2 to 3 million tourists.
Article 3.- Major tasks and solutions to boost the development of key branches and domains of Phu Quoc island
1. To concentrate on building Phu Quoc island into a tourist center, first of all and largely high-quality island-marine eco-tourism typifying Kien Giang and the whole country.
To bring into full play the strength of many beautiful white sand beaches on both western and eastern coasts in order to form coastal tourist spots and lines, develop island tourism of particular coloring, create rich and diversified tourist products all year round, attracting tourists to stay for long and to come time and again…
At the same time to link the tourist development of Phu Quoc island to the tourist development of Ho Chi Minh city, the southern key economic region and national tourist lines.
With characteristics and great tourist potentials, to develop Phu Quoc tourism along the direction of diversifying forms of tourism and passenger transportation by land, waterway and air, prominently being:
a) Sea bath and convalescence in association with water sport center (swimming, diving, rowing…); oceanic park (dolphin show, aquarium);
b) Eco-tourism (tour of the island and islets, study of the values of indigenous nature and culture) in combination with honeymoon, fishing, squid fishing …tourism;
c) Sport tourism (including marine sports, mountain sports and risky mountain climbing sport);
d) Entertainment and recreation tourism, particularly with a number of forms of high-grade entertainment and recreation and services attracting larger numbers of tourists;
e) Shopping tourism and other tempting tourist forms to attract tourists;
f) Organization of conferences, seminars (at big hotels with conference centers, trade and gastronomic centers).
The State shall provide budget capital support for the planning and construction of infrastructure; mobilize capital of various economic sectors and permit the attraction of foreign investment in reasonable forms of investment for development of tourist infrastructure and key domains.
g) From now till 2005, to concentrate investment in building Phu Quoc tourist center and developing the Phu Quoc – Ha Tien – Con Dao tourist line; to mobilize domestic capital sources and enter into cooperation as well as joint ventures with foreign countries in opening tourist lines from Phu Quoc to Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia. To invest in the exploitation of the Nui Sam-An Giang- Phu Quoc cultural festival tourist line. To invest in the training of human resources for the tourist industry.
2. Development of services
a) First of all, services must be prioritized and take one step forward (financial, banking, insurance, communication, aviation, maritime, trade, medical services, sports, entertainment….), ensuring adequate conditions for the attainment of development objectives of the island while boosting the economic restructuring along the direction of modernization;
b) In the immediate future, to concentrate on strongly developing services for the objectives of tourist development of the island. Apart from transiting tourists, to develop a number of forms of services of regional significance linking Phu Quoc island and the Mekong river delta region with other regions at home and abroad;
c) For a long term, to build trade centers of Duong Dong, Duong To, An Thoi; to build the marketplaces of Cua Can, Ham Ninh, Ganh Dau, Bai Thom, Tho Chau and Duong To. To strongly develop domestic and international conference, seminar services in association with tourism.
3. To develop forestry, agriculture along the direction of creating bio-diversity, landscapes, environment in service of tourist development, partly meeting the demands of local population and visitors.
a) To develop agriculture and forestry of Phu Quoc island along the direction of protecting forest resources in service of eco-tourism; to develop agriculture mainly along the direction of cleanness and high quality in service of tourism;
b) To strictly protect precious primitive forests of Phu Quoc island, develop bio-diversity. The main tasks in forestry are to well protect and manage national conservation zones and to afforest bare hills, raising the area under planted forests from 4,344 ha at present to around 6,500-7,000 ha by 2010. The forest area of Phu Quoc island will stand stably at around 38,000-39,000 ha (accounting for 68-69% of the natural area);
c) To study the acclimatization of plants of landscape value from various regions of the country and from overseas so as to increase the value of landscapes at tourist spots and in urban centers of Phu Quoc island; to build up zones for protection of aquilaria on mountains into unique aquilaria tourist spots;
d) To form orchid gardens, bird gardens, cactus gardens, spotted deer and ostrich zoos in order to create diversified and attractive tourist products, deal in small and super-small bonsais convenient for tourists to keep as souvenirs;
e) Phu Quoc’s agriculture shall develop along the direction of high-quality clean agriculture on the basis of stabilizing the agricultural land area at around 6,600 ha (including 1,000 ha of fruit trees, 300 ha of vegetables; around 1,200 ha of pepper plants, around 3,000 ha of cashew, 270 ha of coconut; growing flower and bonsai plants) and forming a number of farms in service of tourism.
To set up a center for research into, and production of, fruit tree and precious and rare plant varieties.
4. To develop fishery in combination with visits, tourism.
To observe the guiding principle: developing fishery without causing adverse impacts but contributing to tourist development.
– To develop an area of about 30 ha in An Thoi for concentrated industrial production of marine breeds, the production of assorted shrimp, abalone, ornamental fish breeds (including the production and conservation of prototype parental breeds)… for supply to the Mekong river delta region. To develop the culture of specialty aquatic resources such as pearl oyster, sea turtle, lobsters, caged fish… in service of tourism (for use as food, souvenirs, tourist spots) and export as well.
– To develop the rearing of ornamental fish for export.
– To develop fishing of surface fishes in association with the industry of processing of Phu Quoc specialty fish sauce, processing high-quality cuttle fish in Duong Dong and An Thoi.
– In An Thoi port area, to invest in the construction of an aquatic product market of around 20,000 m2.
– To upgrade the fish ports of An Thoi and Duong Dong and the system of storm shelter anchorage and moorage for vessels in An Thoi, which can accommodate 600 ships of 600 CV each.
5. Development of industries, cottage industry and handicraft
To develop clean industries, create jobs and produce goods in service of tourists without causing pollution and harming the tourist environment of the island.
To orientate the long-term development of Phu Quoc island’s industries including food and drink industry, consumer goods industry, jewelry and souvenir industry, aquatic transport and fishing service industry, specialty fish sauce processing industry (without affecting tourism). Industries, cottage industries and aquatic product processing should turn out traditional and new products of high quality and better patterns as well as designs (such as Phu Quoc fish sauce, wood articles, processed aquatic products…) to serve souvenir-buying tourists.
Industries should be arranged into small industrial clusters in association with population quarters of around 2-5 ha each, paying special attention to waste water treatment without causing pollution.
6. To develop infrastructure along the direction of modernization to meet the socio-economic development requirements of the island district mainly in good service of tourist development and security as well as defense assurance.
With the State budget capital sources and every possible measures to quickly modernize the infrastructure along the direction of prioritizing the development of tourism and high-quality services suitable to tourists’ needs.
a) To develop the communication network, including roads, overhead railways, cable cars, airways, waterways and port systems.
+ To develop the system of high-quality roads which are not so big but ensure high-speed traffic, with beautiful and clean landscapes along road sides.
The development shall focus on renovation and upgrading of existing routes and building of a number of new routes in order to ensure smooth travel between economic centers, population quarters and tourist resorts on the island.
– First of all to renovate and build a new route around the island which runs through An Thoi along the western coast of the island to Duong Dong, through Cua Can, Ganh Dau along the northern coast of the island to Bai Thom and along the eastern coast of the island to Ham Ninh before linking to Ham Ninh – Duong Dong – An Thoi road. Such route shall stretch over 125 km.
– To upgrade the North-South centerline route running through the island (An Thoi- Duong Dong- Bai Thom) to high-quality standards through the following localities: An Thoi (running inside the island through Phu Quoc prison area) to Duong Dong, Suoi Cai, then turning to Ganh Dau and Bai Thom. The route is around 70 km in length.
– To build a new road of around 12 km from Cua Lap to Khe Tao Ru.
– To build outbound roads linking the island centerline route and around-island route to tourist resorts, economic centers and population quarters on the around-island; the around-island leisure road to coastal tourist spots; the up-mountain leisure road to sight-seeing spots; roads to farms, intra-urban thoroughfares.
– Besides, to develop trails running through jungles and mountains for exploring tourists and to build a number of cable cars to carry visitors up to mountain peaks but to preserve natural landscape and environment. To study the construction of an overhead railway running around the island, with some sections running through jungles and some running through mangrove forests and with many spots along the route for sight-seeing or visit.
In the immediate future, to draw up plans on investment in upgrading Duong Dong – Cua Can road of 12.6 km, Suoi Cai – Ganh Dau road of 19.7 km, Duong Dong – An Thoi road of 24 km (being adjusted to run not close to the coast so as not to affect tourist development), Duong Dong – Bai Thom road of 30 km, Ham Ninh – Bai Thom road of 38 km, Ganh Dau-Cua Can road of 15 km.
To build Bai Thom – Ganh Dau route of 33 km. To early asphalt inter-commune roads, to macadamize all roads from commune centers to hamlets, ensuring smooth motor traffic.
+ To develop the port system
– In the immediate future: To concentrate investment in the construction of An Thoi port with the capacity of 300 thousand tons of cargo and 450 thousand turns of passengers. To study the construction of a wharf for ships of 3,000 DWT; wharves for coastal passenger ships of 200-300 passengers and one dry dock for mooring ships of 30,000 DWT or passenger ships of 1,000-2,000 passengers.
– At the next stage: To develop passenger-cum-cargo sea port in Vinh Dam for passenger ships of up to 2,000 passengers and freighters of up to 30,000 DWT, with its size being suitable to socio-economic development of Phu Quoc island. To build anchorages and moorages in Duong Dong for passenger ships of up to 2,000 passengers; to renovate routes and channels on Duong Dong river and build a coastal passenger ship port on Duong Dong river. Ganh Dau, Bai Thom and Ham Ninh locations shall be planned for construction of ports for leisure ships traveling on routes along the island’s coast.
To separate fish ports from passenger ports.
+ Airports: In the immediate future, to complete the upgrading and expansion of the existing airport ensuring the landing and take-off by medium-sized aircraft so as to satisfy the tourist development of the island; to organize air routes and small flight squadrons in service of tourism.
b) To develop networks of clean water supply, electricity supply, telecommunications, hospitals and job-training establishments.
– Electricity and energy supply: To build a uniform all-island power-grid system with around 372 km of medium-voltage transmission lines and 669 km of low-voltage transmission lines. The total capacity of all transformer stations shall reach 3,720 KVA. To build a central power generation plant with its estimated initial capacity of 50 MW, adequately satisfying the demand till 2010. Three diesel power generation clusters are expected to be built in Duong Dong, An Thoi and Suoi Cai T-junction (Bai Thom). To study the possibility of supplying electricity to the island under a scheme of building underground cable systems to transmit electricity from the mainland.
To study the generation of electricity from wind and solar energy.
To build the electricity- or gas-using networks in service of daily-life needs of the island so as to step by step limit the use then proceed to non-use of firewood as fuel.
– Water supply: According to observatory documents, annually Phu Quoc receives a rainfall of around 1.6 billion cubic meters, including 900 million cubic meters pouring into rivers and streams (the rainfall is unevenly distributed throughout the year, with 80% being in the rainy season). Phu Quoc has three main rivers and numerous small ones, largely stemming from Ham Ninh mountain range with basins covering a total area of around 456 km2 (accounting for 78% of the island’s natural area. These rivers see high slanting degrees, thus being unable to accumulate rainwater and causing great erosion in the flood season. To build reservoirs and clean-water supply works so as to be able to supply about 200 thousand cubic meters/day/night. By 2020, the island shall have around 500-550 thousand inhabitants per year, whose daily life requires the building of a water supply system of a capacity of around 100 thousand cubic meters/day/night, or 120 thousand cubic meters/day/night if the reserve capacity is included.
From now till 2005, to build the reservoirs of Duong Dong (10 million cubic meters), Suoi Lon, and after 2005, the reservoirs of Cua Can (35 million cubic meters), Rach Ca and Cua Lap as well as water treatment establishments.
For the immediate future, to consolidate 721 drilled wells, which are supplying water for 75 thousand people. In the future, a number of water reservoirs can be built in areas with conditions to ensure the supply of surface water, satisfying the island’s need and step by step replacing the groundwater sources currently exploited.
To additionally build two water reservoirs (with a total holding capacity of 20 million cubic meters) and a water plant of a capacity of some 100,000 m3/day/night.
– Waste water: Waste water must necessarily be treated up to the requirements before being discharged into rivers, canals or sea or re-used for street cleaning, plant watering, fire fighting…
For the immediate future, to invest in renovation of canals for better water drainage, and to build, when needed, waste water treatment establishments in urban centers and areas most frequented by tourists.
– Post and telecommunications: To build modern post and telecommunications networks capable of providing international telecommunications services (to be located in the new urban center of Duong To). To build a telecommunications center, radio and television stations; an island-based telephone center for use of mobile phone systems and an optical cable system to ensure stable communications, to keep economic, defense and security confidentiality. The existing optical cable running under sea near Phu Quoc island can be connected to Phu Quoc to open high-quality communications lines from Phu Quoc to the mainland and to foreign countries. By 2005, the entire island shall be covered by mobile phone, radio and television waves.
– Public lighting: The public lighting in urban centers, tourist resorts and along roads aims to mainly serve tourism, permitting the prolongation of daily activities of tourists, creating the beautiful appearance of architectural works by night and contributing to beautifying the landscape. Therefore, attention should be paid to the aesthetical elements in the public lighting in Phu Quoc and to the use of modern public lighting technologies to save electric energy. At the central square and the new urban center of Duong To, the laser public lighting technology shall be used to create more attraction.
– Culture, education, health:
+ To upgrade the district hospital and the multi-functional medical center to be capable of serving the local population and tourists with some 500-1,000 hospital beds.
+ To completely build the system of general education of all levels, job-training, educational, cultural, tourist centers in general education schools in Phu Quoc.
+ To build the system of cultural houses, libraries, biological museum and aquarium.
7. To develop green parks: To build parks of big and small sizes in all areas and line parks, particularly along across-island express way, with such trees blossoming all the year round as royal ponciana, celandine, rose mallow, bombax, pansy… and trees of strange shapes acclimatized from other tropical countries.
To develop a number of cultural, sport, entertainment and recreation parks on the island, ensuring both the ecological requirements and the service of tourists.
Article 4.- On organization of development space of the island
– The general orientation for arrangement of development space of Phu Quoc island must ensure the principle of green and beautiful space in association with seascapes and having modern island urban centers under the guiding principle that the tourist space and the urban space shall become factors decisive to the island’s space.
To ensure the density of additional construction, reserving satisfactory space for park greenery.
– To develop the system of concentrated urban spots and population spots in association with tourist and service activities on the island.
– Environmental protection orientations: To strictly adhere to the principle that every development on the island must not harm its natural environment, must not reduce its forest areas, water quality and air quality. The production development on the island must ensure clean and non-polluting production (including agricultural, forestry, fishery and industrial production). All waste matters discharged from the process of production, business and daily life (including solid wastes and waste water) must necessarily be treated up to the requirements before being discharged into the environment, rivers, canals or sea.
Article 5.- Planning on defense and security consolidation
– To formulate planning on defense and security land in association with planning on systems of defense, security works, mainly high points and key positions, taking into account socio-economic and tourist development requirements.
– To build the system of defense works ensuring the role of southwestern outpost and shield of the Fatherland and ensuring the service of economic development with efficiency.
– To properly arrange defense and security forces in order to fulfill the tasks of firmly maintaining the national sovereignty as well as social order and safety.
– To firmly build up the entire-people defense posture, people’s security posture on the island.
– To elaborate, improve and add schemes for ensuring security and order on the island.
Article 6.- Stages of development of Phu Quoc island
1. From now till 2010:
– To complete the upgrading of the existing Phu Quoc airport; to start the construction of key infrastructures (across-island motor roads and sea ports for passenger ships), water supply works and a number of social infrastructure works in service of immediate demands for island construction.
– To finalize the overall development planning; Phu Quoc city construction plannings, tourist zone planning and specialized plannings. To formulate projects calling for and attracting investment.
To concentrate investment (with both budget capital and non-budget capital) so as to formulate the principal outlines of a tourist island. To build tourist, entertainment and recreation zones, high-class hotels, trade centers, financial service works, ship-building, maritime, customs, entry and exit areas. To study and finalize the project on construction of new international airports, ports, express ways.
2. The 2011-2020 stage:
To complete the island development under the plannings, ensuring the requirements of high-quality tourism and at the same time develop other types of services and production in order to further develop the island socially and economically to a new level.
– To complete the construction of important items of Phu Quoc city.
– To complete sea ports, water-supply works and other high-grade public-service works.
– To complete high-quality tourist zones, trade centers, international exchange centers…
Article 7.- Measures and mechanisms, policies for Phu Quoc island
1. Creation of investment capital:
– Budget capital: The Government prioritizes the budget investment capital for construction of infrastructure in Phu Quoc. The state budget investment in the first stage aims to create key infrastructures and land ground for enterprises to invest in Phu Quoc. To give special priority to the construction of airports, ports, across-island roads, around-island roads, water-supply and drainage works, waste treatment works, public lighting works,
– Non-budget investment capital: To promulgate tempting mechanisms to attract investment capital from other localities in the country and from overseas (including capital for dealing in infrastructure and production development).
2. Mechanisms, policies:
– Regarding investment policies: To concentrate state budget first on the construction of infrastructure works (road, electricity supply, water supply, ports, airports…) and renovation as well as conservation of historical relics… to be completed within the first three to five years. To adopt tax, land rent,… preference policies and open and convenient administrative procedures to attract enterprises of all economic sectors (including foreign-invested enterprises) and people to make investment under the set objectives. To differentiate between investment in infrastructures and investment in business (with more preferences for investment in infrastructure).
To permit Phu Quoc to apply the highest preference mechanisms and policies promulgated by the Vietnamese state regarding foreign investment, domestic investment, investment in industrial parks, export processing zones, border-gate economic zones, free economic and trade zones, open economic zones.
To issue government bonds or project shares for large-scale infrastructure projects which play a key role in the development of the island.
To mobilize capital in form of BOT, BT, BTO with preferences higher than the preference brackets under the current regulations.
– To apply open and convenient export and import mechanisms.
To implement the regime of granting entry visas at border gates to foreign investors, business people, tourists.
Foreign investors and overseas Vietnamese are entitled to reside together with their families in Phu Quoc and enjoy the residence interests and obligations under Vietnamese law.
– Regarding human resource development policies: To apply the regime of encouraging highly qualified and capable officials to come and work in Phu Quoc; not to encourage people to migrate en mass but to adopt selective migration so as not to affect the determined long-term objective of tourist development.
Article 8.- Implementation organization
1. Responsibilities of the People’s Committees of Kien Giang province and of Phu Quoc district:
– To assign the People’s Committees of Kien Giang province and Phu Quoc district to adopt measures to strictly manage land on Phu Quoc island, to prevent by all ways and means the serious situation of land division, occupation and trading, which is occurring on the island and resolutely handle cases of illegal land trading, transfer, land use for wrong purposes and forest destruction being on the rise in the island. To enhance the work of law propagation and dissemination to people.
– To work out measures to overcome the situation of increasing spontaneous migration to the island, which adversely affects the tourist development as well as the natural and social environment.
– To assign the People’s Committee of Kien Giang province to act as scheme owner, selecting investors for continued performance of assigned tasks of development of Phu Quoc island; to coordinate with the concerned ministries and branches in adjusting the socio-economic planning of the province to suit the development objectives of Phu Quoc island till 2010 and the orientations towards 2020. To permit the People’s Committee of Kien Giang province to invite highly qualified foreign consultancy companies to participate in planning the development space on the island and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval.
– To coordinate with ministries, central agencies in deploying the next tasks so as to quickly organize the efficient materialization of the scheme on development of Phu Quoc.
– The tourist development of Phu Quoc island requires the cooperation and active support of Ho Chi Minh city and Phu Quoc is also a geographical area for investment in tourist development of Ho Chi Minh city; hence, the Kien Giang province People’s Committee and the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee should discuss and unanimously draw up plannings, plans for development cooperation in a concrete, practical and efficient manner.
2. Responsibilities of ministries and central agencies:
Ministries and central agencies shall joint the People’s Committee of Kien Giang province in quickly finalizing the plannings, plans as well as necessary mechanisms and policies suitable to the socio-economic development model of Phu Quoc island; to enhance and coordinate with the locality in directing and organizing the implementation thereof.
a) The Ministry of Construction shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in elaborating a general planning on construction of Phu Quoc island covering district townships and Kien Giang province till 2020, clearly identifying the function of services tourism in combination with the development of industries, aquaculture and other beneficial economic branches, and submit it to the Prime Minister for approval, which shall serve as basis for deployment of detailed plannings on construction, plannings on branch development, investment projects and organization of investment management under the approved plannings.
b) Vietnam National Tourism Administration shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in elaborating plannings, plans on development of Phu Quoc tourism along the main direction of eco-tourism of high quality and particular character and strive to build Phu Quoc into an attractive domestic and regional tourist center with highly competitive tourist products, positively contributing to boosting the economic restructuring in association with the tasks of ensuring security and defense.
c) The Ministry of Transport shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in elaborating plannings, plans on development of communications and transport on the island in accordance with the development orientations and objectives; projects must conform with the general planning on development of Phu Quoc and investment plans must be worked out to accelerate the implementation thereof. For the immediate future, to immediately deploy the construction of the coastal road from Duong Dong to An Thoi, the planning on the sea port system. Vietnam Aviation Department shall formulate a project on expansion of the existing airport to ensure the landings and take-offs by big aircraft.
d) The Ministry of Defense shall scrutinize and adjust the defense plans, ensuring that defense is associated to the priority tasks of socio-economic development and practically serves the tourist development of the island; revise and plan the use of defense land and clearly identify zones and land areas to be necessarily used for defense purposes as soon as possible and submit them to the Prime Minister for approval; assign the redundant land areas to the locality for management, exploitation and use for the socio-economic development tasks.
To meet the defense requirements, the Ministry of Defense must speed up the investment, the completion of investment projects, works; and consider and rationally arrange defense works to the north of the island.
e) The Ministry of Public Security shall review and adjust the protection plans, ensuring security and social safety in service of the development objectives of the island; coordinate with concerned ministries and agencies as well as the local administration, army forces, Border Guards, the Customs in formulating appropriate management mechanism along the direction of simplifying the procedures for reception and management of tourists but ensuring safety, security and order on the island.
f) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall coordinate with the Ministry of Public Security, concerned ministries and agencies as well as Kien Giang province in working out schemes on grant of entry and exit visas and on permanent residence on the island.
g) The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in formulating the planning on, and taking measures for, the protection of the existing primary forests, the Phu Quoc national garden; coordinate with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in conducting surveys for construction of water reservoirs, irrigation works on the island in order to create water sources in service of economic development and people’s daily life.
h) The Ministry of Finance shall develop mechanisms for capital mobilization in order to create investment capital.
i) The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in formulating plannings on land use, environmental protection and water source use.
j) The Ministry of Fisheries shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in formulating plannings on fisheries development for Phu Quoc region in association with tourist development.
k) The Ministry of Post and Telematics shall coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, concerned ministries and agencies as well as domestic and foreign consultancy organizations in elaborating planning on post and telecommunication networks.
l) The Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Culture and Information shall coordinate with the People’s Committees of Kien Giang province and Phu Quoc island district in upgrading the district hospital, multi-functional medical center and organizing the training of health workers; organizing the education and training system so as to step by step raise the people’s intellectual level, train human resources, build the system of cultural houses, meeting the requirements of development of tourism and services in the coming years.
m) The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall join the Kien Giang province People’s Committee in monitoring and supervising the materialization of the overall planning on socio-economic development on the island. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall, together with the Ministry of Construction, Vietnam National Tourism Administration, coordinate with the Kien Giang province People’s Committee in formulating plans to invite fully capable domestic and foreign consultancy companies to formulate overall spatial planning and detailed plannings for the island.
Article 9.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in the Official Gazette. The president of the Kien Giang province People’s Committee, the concerned ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and heads of Government-attached agencies shall have to implement this Decision.

Phan Van Khai

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