MARRIAGE FAMILY 2013 EN – MP Law Firm - Công ty luật hợp danh MP Tue, 04 Aug 2020 15:31:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Circular No. 22/2013/TT-BTP dated December 31, 2013, on guidelines for the Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP on application of the Law on Marriage and family on marriage and family relations involving foreign elements Tue, 31 Dec 2013 12:17:45 +0000 THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE ———- SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness ————— No: 22/2013/TT-BTP Hanoi, December 31, 2013   CIRCULAR DETAILING AND GUIDING IMPLEMENTATION OF A NUMBER OF ARTICLES OF THE GOVERNMENT’S DECREE NO. 24/2013/ND-CP DATED MARCH 28, 2013, DETAILING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NUMBER OF ARTICLES OF THE LAW ON MARRIAGE AND FAMILY […]

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Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No: 22/2013/TT-BTP

Hanoi, December 31, 2013




Pursuant to the Governments’ Decree No. 22/2013/ND-CP dated March 13, 2013 defining functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP dated March 28, 2013 detailing the implementation of a number of the Law on Marriage and Family on marriage and family relations involving foreign elements;
At the proposal of the Director of the Bureau of Civil Status, Nationality and Authentication;
The Minister of Justice promulgates Circular detailing and guiding the implementation a number of articles of the Government’s Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP dated March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Marriage and Family on marriage and family relations involving foreign elements.
Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application
1. This Circular details clause 3 of Article 7, clause 6 of Article 15 and guide the implementation of a number of articles of the Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP dated March 28, 2013 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Marriage and Family on marriage and family relations involving foreign elements (below collectively referred to as Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP)
2. Provisions of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and this Circular shall be applied to the settlement of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, recording in the books the marriage, recording in the books the recognition of fathers, mothers and children between Vietnamese citizens who concurrently bear foreign nationality and Vietnamese citizens or foreigners; granting the written Certification of marital status to Vietnamese citizens residing in the country for their registration of marriages with foreigners at competent state agencies in foreign countries; organization and activities of the Center for consultancy, support of marriages and families involving foreign elements (below collectively preferred to as the Center).
3. Provisions of the Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP and this Circular shall not be applied to marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers and children among Vietnamese citizens executing official missions, working, studying, traveling with definite terms in foreign countries or with Vietnamese citizens residing in the country.
Article 2. The valid time duration of documents
The granted duration of less than 06 months of documents as prescribed in point b, point c of clause 1, Article 7 and point b, clause 1 of Article 27 of the Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP shall be counted from the date of granting such documents until the date of submitting full and valid dossiers.
Article 3. Granting copies of civil status documents
After the settlement of marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, if the involved persons require copies of Marriage Certificates, Decisions on accrediting the recognition of fathers, mothers and children, the Departments of Justice shall base on the Marriage Registers, the Registers for recognition of fathers, mothers and children to issue copies to involved persons; copies shall be signed by Directors of Departments of Justice or officials authorized by Directors and stamped on with official seals of the Departments of Justice.
Article 4. Termination of settling dossiers of marriage registration; recognition of fathers, mothers or children; granting Certificates on marriage status; recording in the registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers and children which have been settled by foreign competent state agencies
The settlement of dossiers of marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers and children; issuance of certificates on marriage status; recording in the registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers and children which have been settled by foreign competent state agencies shall be immediately terminated at the written request of one or both marriage parties; of the recognizers or the recognizees to be fathers, mothers or children; of persons who required to be issued with Certificates on marriage status, recording in the registers for the marriage, the recognition of fathers, mothers and children.
Article 5. Responsibilities in notifying about results of settling dossiers of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children; recording in the registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children
1. After handing marriage certificates to both marriage partners; recording in the registers the marriage of Vietnamese citizens which have been settled at foreign competent state agencies in foreign countries, the Departments of Justice shall notify in writing to the People’s Committees of communes, wards or towns (below collectively referred to as commune-level People’s Committees), where granted Certificates of marriage status to Vietnamese citizens for reference and making annotations in the book of issuing Certificates of marriage status.
2. In case of refusing to register marriage as prescribed in Article 12 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP terminating the settlement of marriage registration dossiers as prescribed in Article 4 of this Circular, the Departments of Justice shall notify in writing to the commune-level People’s Committees where Vietnamese citizens are residing for reference and making annotations in the books of issuing Certificates of marriage status.
3. After handing Decisions on recognition of fathers, mothers and children to involved parties; recording in the book the recognition of fathers, mothers and children for Vietnamese citizens which have been settled by foreign competent state agencies, Departments of Justice shall notify in writing to the commune-level People’s Committees where the birth registration of the children being Vietnamese citizens has been implemented for information and making annotations in the Birth Registers.
4. In case of Vietnamese citizens living in foreign countries who have been granted with Certificates of marriage status by diplomatic agencies, consular agencies and other agencies authorized to perform consular functions of Vietnam in foreign countries (below collectively referred to as the Representative Agencies), after their marriage registration, Departments of Justice shall send written documents to the Consular Department and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to notify the Representative Agencies for making annotations in the book of issuing Certificates on marriage status.
Chapter II


Article 6. Marriage registration dossiers
Marriage registration dossiers shall comply with provisions in Article 7 of Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. Declaration for marriage registration
Each involved parties must prepare a Declaration for marriage registration (made according to a set form), write information of both marriage partners; sign and write clearly surnames and names of the Declarers. In case where both marriage partners are present when the dossier is submitted, it is only required to make 01 (one) Declaration for marriage registration, write information of both marriage partners; sign and write clearly names of both two persons.
If the Declaration for marriage registration verified the marriage status of involved persons by a competent state agency of Vietnam, it is not required to submit the Certificates of marriage status. If there is a Certificate of marriage status, it is not required a verification on the Declaration for marriage registration.
2. Proof documents for marital status
a) Vietnamese citizens residing in foreign countries (not concurrently have foreign nationalities) shall submit the verification on marital status issued by the Representative Agencies at countries where they reside or documents proving marital status issued by foreign competent state agencies where they reside.
b) Vietnamese citizens residing in foreign countries (concurrently have foreign nationalities) shall submit documents proving marital status issued by the competent state agencies in countries where they have nationality and certification of marital status issued by competent state agencies of Vietnam.
c) Stateless persons permanently residing in Vietnam must submit certificate of marital status issued by the commune-level People’s Committees where they reside.
3. Certificates of being eligible for marriage
Foreigners not residing in Vietnam, besides submitting proof documents of marital status issued by the competent agencies of the countries where they bear nationality or permanently resident, must also submit certificates of being eligible for marriage under the laws of those countries, unless the laws of those countries do not have provisions on issuance of these types of documents.
4. Certificates of being consulted, supported in marriage and families involving foreign elements for Vietnamese citizens
a) Certificates of being consulted, supported in marriage and families involving foreign elements for Vietnamese citizens (below collectively referred to as Certificates of the Center) issued by the Center for consultancy, support in marriage and family involving foreign elements to Vietnamese citizens in order to additional submit to their marriage registration dossiers in cases as prescribed in point b, clause 4 of this Article.
b) In marriage between Vietnamese citizens with foreigners, if involved persons are under one of following cases, it is required for them to go to the Center for being consulted or supported:
– Both parties differ 20 years old or more;
– Foreigners get married for the third time or married and divorced with wives or husbands who are Vietnamese citizens;
– Both parties do not understand well each other status of families or individuals; do not understand languages, customs, traditions, culture, laws on marriage and family of each country.
c) In case, a Vietnamese citizen is fluent in a foreign language used by the foreigner or the foreigner is fluent in Vietnamese, and results of the interview at the Department of Justice shows that both parties have an understanding of family and individual circumstances of each other, understanding of language, customs, traditions, culture, laws on marriage and family in each country, they do not have to additionally submit the Certificate of the Center.
Article 7. The order of settling marriage registration dossier
The order of settling marriage registration dossiers shall comply with provisions in Article 10 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. In case where involved persons have plausible reasons to be absent from the interview on the noticed day, it is required them to have a written suggestion for changing the interview to another day. The written suggestion must clearly state reasons of their absence. The next interview period shall not exceed 30 days, since the appointment day of previous interview and shall not be counted in the period of settling the marriage registration dossier.
2. During the interview, the cadres of the Department of Justice need to clarify the voluntary, marriage purpose of both parties, understanding of the family and personal circumstances of each party, language, customs, traditions, culture, law on marriage and family of the country or territory where the other party resides.
3. In the interview, if detecting that an interviewee has abnormal expression of awareness or cannot control his / her behavior, the officials of the Department of Justice may request such interviewee to have a re-examination at a specialized medical organization for mentality in Vietnam.
4. In cases where they deem the marriage is related to national security, social order and safety, have signs of unauthorized entry or exit, human trafficking, illegal marriage brokerage, sham marriages for the purpose of exit, profiteering or other matter relating to the functions of the Police Office, the Department of Justice shall issue a written document, together with a copy of the marriage registration dossier and send to the Police Office of the same level for requesting a verification.
If the period for the verification as stipulated in clause 2 of Article 10 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP is expired but the Police Office has no written reply, the Department of Justice still have to complete the dossier and send its proposal to the Chairman of the provincial-level People’s Committee for consideration and decision, which clearly state problems required the Police Office to verify.
Article 8. Organization of a ceremony for marriage registration
The organization of a ceremony for marriage registration shall comply with provisions in Article 11 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. When organizing a ceremony for marriage registration, both marriage partners must be present and produce Identity Cards, Passports or documents having alternative values as laissez-passer or residence cards.
2. In case of having plausible reason that both marriage partners cannot be present to hold the marriage registration ceremony on day indicated by the Department of Justice, they must send a written request to the Department of Justice to extend time limit for the organization of their ceremony for marriage registration and clearly state reason that they cannot be present.
After 90 days from the date the Chairman of the provincial-level People’s Committee signed the certificate of marriage registration but both marriage partners are not present for celebrating marriage registration, the Department of Justice shall report in writing to the Chairman of the provincial-level People’s Committee, make notes that both marriage partners are not present for organizing the ceremony of marriage registration in the Marriage Certificate and keep records; this Marriage Certificate is invalid.
After that, if both marriage partners are still request to organize a ceremony for their marriage registration, it is required to conduct procedures for marriage registration from the beginning.
Chapter III


Article 9. Evaluation, verification of dossiers to issue marital status certificates
The orders of evaluation and verification of dossiers for issuing marital status certificates to Vietnam citizens residing in the country to register their marriages with foreigners at competent foreign authorities in foreign countries shall comply with the provisions in Article 15 of Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. Within 02 working days from the date of receiving a valid and full dossier, and fee, the commune-level People’s Committees shall check records and marital status of the requester for certificate of marital status; send a written report on result of check and clearly state problems need to consult to the Department of Justice, together with the dossier.
2. The Department of Justice shall examine the validity, completeness of the dossier of issuing a certificate of marital status.
Where it is necessary to clarify the identity, marital status, marriage conditions, the marriage purpose of the requester for certificate of marital status, the Department of Justice shall conduct verification. In case where the headquarter of the Department of Justice is far away from the residence of the requester for certificate of marital status, the Department of Justice may request the commune-level Justice Office to support in verification. After receiving the request, the commune-level Justice Office shall immediately conduct the verification and report the results to the Department of Justice.
Article 10. Interview with the requester for certificate of marital status
The order for interview of the requester for a Certificate of marital status in order to register his/her marriage at the foreign competent authorities in foreign countries under the provisions at clause 6 of Article 15 of Decree No. 24/2013 / ND-CP, is conducted as follows:
1. The Department of Justice shall assign its officials to conduct interviews with the requester for a Certificate of marital status.
During the interview, the cadres of the Department of Justice need to clarify the marriage purpose of the Vietnamese citizen; understanding of the Vietnamese citizen about the family situation and individual circumstances of the foreign citizen, language, customs, traditions, culture, law on marriage and family of the country or territory where the foreign citizen resides.
2. Results of the examination, verification and interview of the Vietnamese citizen shall show one of the following cases in which the Department of Justice shall require the foreigner to come Vietnam for an interview of verification:
a) Both parties differ 20 years old or more;
b) The foreigner gets married for the third time or has already married and divorced with wives or husbands who are Vietnamese citizens;
c) The Vietnamese citizen does not understand about the family situation and individual circumstances of the foreigner; does not understand about the language, customs, traditions, culture, law on marriage and family of the country or territory where the foreigner resides;
d) The requester for the Certificate of marital status expresses his/her intention to be absent for the marriage registration at a foreign competent state agency in foreign country.
3. The interview results must be recorded in writing, have signatures of the interviewers and the interviewees.
Article 11. Refusal for issuing the Certificate of marital status
The commune-level People’s Committee shall refuse to issue a Certificate of marital status in one of the following cases:
1. Vietnamese citizens request for issuance of Certificates of marital status to get married with foreigners at diplomatic missions or consular missions of foreign countries in Vietnam.
2. The results of examination, verification show that the practical marital status of the involved persons is incorrect with the Declaration in the record; the involved persons are not eligible to marriage under the provisions of the Law on Marriage and Family.
3. The results of the interview shows that both marriage partners do not understand well each other status of families or individuals; do not understand languages, customs, traditions, culture, laws on marriage and family of each country.
4. The marriage of the involved person is not voluntary, not for the purpose of building a prosperous, equal, progress, happy and sustainable family.
5. The marriage is through illegal brokerage.
6. Taking advantage of the marriage for the purpose of exit, for profit or for other profit-seeking purposes.
Chapter IV


Article 12. Dossiers of recording in the registers of marriages
Dossiers of recording in the registers of marriages shall comply with provisions at Clause 2 Article 17 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. The requester for recording in the register of marriage must submit copies of documents proving on the personal identification of both marriage partners.
2. In case where the marriage certificate issued by the competent authority of the foreign country recorded information about proof of personal identification (for example: passport), it is required to submit copies of such documents that prove of personal identification.
Article 13. The order of settling dossiers of recording in the registers the marriage of Vietnam citizens residing in the country at the time of marriage
The order of and procedures for settling dossiers of recording in the registers for the marriage of Vietnam citizens residing in the country at the time of marriage shall comply with Article 17 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. After receiving a dossier, the Department of Justice shall examine papers or documents in the dossier, compare with the dossier of issuing the Certificate of marital status of that citizen, if it deems that the issuance of the Certificate of marital status secured due process, procedures, the marriage satisfied the conditions prescribed in Clause 1, Article 16 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP it shall record the marriage in the register.
In case where the Vietnamese citizen is granted certificate of marital status in another province, the Department of Justice shall send a official letter to the Department of Justice where has given its opinion on the issuance of the Certificate of marital status and requests for examination and comparison; if the Certificate of marital status ensures the due process and procedures, the marriage satisfied the conditions prescribed in Clause 1, Article 16 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP it shall record the marriage in the register.
2. Where the certificate of marital status is granted improperly with the order and procedures, the Department of Justice shall conduct verification, clarification. If result of the verification shows that the involved person is eligible for marriage (at the time of the request for Certificate of marital status), the confirmed marital status of the Vietnamese citizen is true, and the Department of Justice shall still record the marriage in the register and issue a Certificate to the involved person.
After recording the marriage in the register, the Department of Justice shall send an official letter to the commune-level People’s Committee which has issued the Certificate of marital status to rectify and handle as prescribed.
Article 14. Rejecting to record in the marriage register
The Department of Justice is entitled to refuse recording in the register the marriage of Vietnamese citizen which has been settled by foreign competent authority in foreign country in one of following cases:
1. The marriage does not satisfy conditions specified in Clause 1, Article 16 of Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP
2. Using fake documents, papers which were edited or erased to conduct procedures for issuing a Certificate of marital status, the marriage and to record into the marriage register.
3. The commune-level People’s Committee has not consulted the Department of Justice before granting the Certificate of marital status to the citizen as prescribed in Article 15 of Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP concurrently the Vietnamese citizen has not satisfied conditions for the marriage (at the time of requesting the issuance of the Certificate of marital status), the marital status of Vietnamese citizen was determined incorrectly.
Chapter V


Article 15. The orders of settling the recognition of fathers, mothers or children
Orders of settling the recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall comply with provisions in Article 22 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. The listing document of the recognition of fathers, mothers or children must include information as follows: Surname and name, gender, day, month, year of birth, residential address, number of identity card or passport (if any) of the recognizers and the recognizees to be fathers, mothers or children; the registration period of recognition of fathers, mothers or children at the Department of Justice.
2. After receiving a complete and valid dossier either father, mother or child dies, the Department of Justice shall continue to settle the recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed; if both parties die, they shall terminate the settlement of dossier of recognition of father, mother or child.
3. In the process of solving the dossier, if disputes, complaints or denunciations about recognition of the father, mother or child arise, the Department of Justice shall suspend the settlement of the dossier and guide involved persons to conduct procedure for requesting competent People’s Court to settle according to civil proceeding procedures (for disputes on recognition of fathers, mothers or children) or request competent state agencies to settle (for complaints, denunciations of recognition of fathers, mothers or children).
4. In case, one party or both parties of recognition of father, mother or child have plausible reasons that cannot be present to receive the Decision on recognition of the father, mother or child in time determined by the Department of Justice, it is required to send a written document to the Department of Justice for requesting a change of time to receive the Decision, stating reasons thereof.
The Decision on recognition of father, mother or child takes effect on the date of its signing by the Director of the Justice Department.
Article 16. Recognition of fathers, mothers or children in combination with registration of birth
In the process of solving the recognition of fathers, mothers, or children under the provisions of Article 22 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP that the child has not yet registered the birth, then the recognition of fathers, mothers, or children shall be combined with the birth registration as follows:
1. In case, the birth registration is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, then Department of Justice shall combine the settlement of the recognition of fathers, mothers or children and birth registration. The birth proof paper (or document replacing birth proof paper) and declaration of birth registration has alternative value for the birth certificate in the dossier of registration for the recognition of father, mother or child.
2. In case where the birth registration is under the jurisdiction of the commune-level People’s Committee, the Department of Justice shall settle the recognition of father, mother or child first; The birth proof paper (or document replacing birth proof paper) and birth registration declaration has alternative value for the birth certificate in the registration dossier for the recognition of father, mother or child.
After settling the recognition of father, mother or son, the Department of Justice shall have a written notice, together with copies of the Decision on recognition of father, mother or child, Birth proof paper (or alternative document replacing the birth proof paper) and declaration of birth registration to send to the commune-level People’s Committee to conduct birth registration for the child.
Chapter VI


Article 17. Conditions for establishment of the Center
Conditions for establishment of the Center for consultancy and support of marriage and family involving foreign elements (below collectively referred to as the Center) as prescribed in Article 31 of Decree No.24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. The operation address of the Center may be independent with the address for opening courses of consultancy and support, but it must ensure the area, working facilities, in accordance with the practice of each locality.
2. The Center must have at least 01 full-time consultant; in addition to it may use collaborators who are experts in the fields of language, culture – society or legislation to conduct consultancy and support.
Article 18. Powers and obligations of the Center
Powers and obligations of the Center shall comply with provisions under Article 33 of the Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP and are guided as follows:
1. When people ask for advice, support, the Center shall be responsible for:
a) Receiving requests for consultancy or support;
b) Arranging location and suitable expert for conducting consultancy or support;
c) Issuing the Certificate of the Center after finalizing the consultancy or support to the requester for supplementation of marriage dossiers as prescribed in clause 4 of Article 6 of this Circular.
2. The Center is entitled to give consultancy or support to all subjects at the request, regardless of nationality or place of residence of the requester.
3. Time for conducting the consultancy or support will base on an agreement between the Center and the requester; the Center will immediately issue the Certificate of the Center after finishing time for conducting the consultancy or support, without organizing an examination or a test.
4. The Centers for Marriage Support established under the provisions of the Government’s Decree No. 68/2002/ND-CP dated July 10, 2002 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Law on Marriage and Family regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements, have not changed the name, organizational or operating model under the provisions of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP shall be only permitted to provide the consultancy, support and issuance of Certificate of the Centre as prescribed in Clauses 1 and 3 of this Article and not be entitled to conduct activities according to the provisions of points g and h, Clause 1, Article 33 of Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP .
Chapter VII


Article 19. Implementation Effect
1. This Circular comes into effect on February 17, 2014.
2. Pursuant to Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP this Circular and the specific situation in the localities, the Departments of Justice may coordinate with related departments, sectors, agencies in submitting to provincial-level People’s Committees to issue coordinative regulations for strengthening the management role of the State and good settlement of issues on marriage and family involving foreign elements in their localities.
3. In the course of implementation, if any problem arises, the provincial People’s Committee, the Departments of Justice shall promptly report to the Ministry of Justice for guidance. /.


Dinh Trung Tung

The post Circular No. 22/2013/TT-BTP dated December 31, 2013, on guidelines for the Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP on application of the Law on Marriage and family on marriage and family relations involving foreign elements appeared first on MP Law Firm.

Decree No.: 24/2013/ND-CP of March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:37:34 +0000 THE GOVERNMENT ——- SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness ———- No.: 24/2013/ND-CP Hanoi, March 28, 2013  DECREE DETAILING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NUMBER OF ARTICLES OF THE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LAW REGARDING THE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RELATIONS INVOLVING FOREIGN ELEMENTS Pursuant to the Law on Government organization, of December 25, 2001; […]

The post Decree No.: 24/2013/ND-CP of March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements appeared first on MP Law Firm.

Independence – Freedom – Happiness
No.: 24/2013/ND-CP Hanoi, March 28, 2013



Pursuant to the Law on Government organization, of December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to the Law on marriage and family, of June 09, 2000;
At the proposal of Minister of Justice;
The Government promulgates the Decree detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements,
Chapter 1.


Article 1. Scope of regulation
This Decree details the implementation of a number of articles of the Marriage and Family Law regarding the marriage between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other, which at least a party resides overseas, between foreigners in Vietnam; the recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other which at least a party resides overseas, between foreigners with each other which at least a party resides in Vietnam; the issuance of certification of marital status for Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam in marriage registration with foreigners which have been carried out at competent foreign agencies; recognition of marriages of Vietnamese citizens which have been settled at competent foreign agencies; recording in the civil status books recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens which have been settled at competent foreign agencies; organizations and activities of advisory and assisstance on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
Article 2. Protection of marriage and family relations involving foreign elements

  1. In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the rights and legitimate interests of the parties to the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements are respected and protected in accordance with Vietnamese laws and the international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.
  2. It is strictly prohibited to take advantage of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children to traffic in, exploit the labor of, sexually abuse women and/or children or for other self-seeking purposes.

Article 3. Requests for consular legalization, authentication of signatures of translators and authentication of copies of papers

  1. Papers issued by foreign competent agencies or notarized or authenticated overseas for use to settle the marriage and family cases under the provisions of this Decree must be consular legalized, except for cases exempted from consular legalization under International treaties of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member or in principle of reciprocity.

Papers granted, notarized or authenticated by competent agencies of neighbour countries for use to settle the marriage and family cases as prescribed in Chapter IV of this Decree shall be exempted from consular legalization.

  1. Papers prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article in foreign language(s) must be translated into Vietnamese and the translations must be authenticated signature of translator as prescribed by law.

Papers granted, notarized or authenticated overseas by competent agencies of neighbour countries for use to settle the marriage and family cases as prescribed in Chapter IV of this Decree shall be translated into Vietnamese, with commitment of translator for translating according to proper content, authentication of signature of translator is not required.

  1. Copies of papers in dossier requesting settlement of marriage and family involving foreign elements, dossier registering operation of Center of advisory and assistance for marriages and family involving foreign elements as prescribed in this Decree must be legally authenticated; in case copies of papers are not authenticated, originals must be produced for comparison.

Article 4. The responsibility to archive the dossiers, record in the civil status books for marriages and family involving foreign elements

  1. Files of settlement of marriage and family cases involving foreign elements as prescribed in this Decree must be preserved carefully and archived as prescribed by law.
  2. The registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children settled by People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as provincial People’s Committees), Justice services of provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as provincial Justice services) shall be recorded in 01 civil status book and kept in provincial Justice services.

The registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children settled by Diplomatic Missions, Consular Offices and other agencies authorized for consular function of Vietnam in foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as representative agencies) shall be recorded in 02 civil status books; after closing book, 01 book is kept in the representative agency where performs registration, 01 book is sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to perform grant of coppies as prescribed by law.

  1. After solving the registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, recognition of marriage, recording in the civil status book for recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed in this Decree, provincial Justice services shall notify in writing to People’s Committees communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as communal People’s Committees) in order to make annotations in the civil status book.

Article 5. Fees

  1. Those who apply for the registration of marriages, recognition of fathers, mothers or children; recognition of marriages, recording in the civil status books recognition of fathers, mothers and children of Vietnamese citizens, which have already been carried out at competent foreign offices, must pay civil status fees as provided for by law.
  2. The registration of marriages, recognition of fathers, mothers or children involving foreign elements in border areas are free.

Chapter 2.
Article 6. Competence of marriage registration

  1. The provincial People’s Committees of the localities where Vietnamese citizens permanently reside shall register the marriages between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other which at least a party resides overseas. In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial-level People’s Committees of the localities where the Vietnamese citizens temporarily reside shall register their marriages.
  2. In cases where foreigners apply for marriage with each other in Vietnam, the provincial-level People’s Committees of the localities where either of them permanently resides shall register the marriage; in cases both of them have not got permanent residence registration in Vietnam, the provincial-level People’s Committees of the localities where either of them temporarily resides shall register the marriage.
  3. The representative agencies shall register the marriages between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, if the registration is not contrary to law of host country; in case where Vietnamese citizens residing abroad marry with each other, the representative agencies shall register the marriages if they request.

Article 7. Dossier of marriage registration

  1. A dossier of marriage registration is made into 01 set, including the following papers of each party:
  2. a) The marriage registration declaration (made according to a set form);
  3. b) The written certification of marital status or marriage registration declaration with certification of marital status of Vietnamese citizens, issued within 6 months to the date the dossier is received; documentary evidence on marital status of foreigners, issued by a competent agency of the country of which the applicant is a citizen, within 6 months to the date the dossier is received, stating that such applicant is currently in status of no wife or no husband;

In cases where foreign laws do not prescribe the certification of marriage status, it can be replaced by the certification of oath taken by the applicant that he or she concurrently has no wife or husband, in accordance with the laws of those countries;

  1. c) The health certificate granted by a Vietnamese or foreign competent health organization within 6 months to the date of receiving the dossier, certifying that such person does not suffer from mental diseases or other diseases which make a person incapable to aware or control his/her acts;
  2. d) The copies of one of personal papers, such as identity card or passport (Vietnamese citizens staying in the country), passport or papers of substitute value such as travel document or residence card (for foreigners or Vietnamese citizens staying overseas);
  3. e) The copies of the household registration book, the temporary residence book (for Vietnamese citizens staying in the country); permanent residence card, temporary residence card or temporary residence certificate (for foreigners residing temporarily or permanently in Vietnam wish to marry each other).
  4. In addition to the papers prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, depending on each specific case, the marriage partners shall also have to submit the following corresponding papers:
  5. a) For Vietnamese citizens being on service in the armed forces or performing jobs directly related to State secrets, they must submit the certification by their managing agencies or organizations of the central or provincial level that their marriages with foreigners do not affect the protection of State secrets or do not contravene the regulations of those branches;
  6. b) For persons who have already been divorced at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
  7. c) For Vietnamese citizens who concurrently have foreign nationality, they must also have documentary evidence on marriage status granted by foreign competent agencies;
  8. d) For foreigners who not reside permanently in Vietnam, they must have written confirmation by foreign competent agencies that such persons are eligible for marriage according to law of that country;
  9. e) For foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
  10. Based on specific conditions, the Minister of Justice shall stipulate on supplementation of written confirmation by the center of advisory and assistance for marriage and family involving foreign elements that Vietnamese citizens have been given advice, assisted on for marriage and family involving foreign elements in dossier of marriage registration aiming to meet the state management requirement on marriage and family involving foreign elements.

Article 8. Procedures for submission, reception of dossiers

  1. Dossier of marriage registration shall be directly submitted by one of two parties at provincial Department of Justice if perform marriage registration in Vietnam or at representative agencies if perform marriage registration at representative agencies.
  2. The officer receiving dossier shall check papers in dossier, if dossier is full and valid, the officer shall make a receipt of dossier, clearly stating day of interview and day of returning result.

If dossier is insufficient and invalid, the officer receiving dossier shall guide both marriage partners to supplement, complete dossier. The written guidance must clearly and fully specify types of paper which need be supplemented and completed; the officer receiving dossier shall sign, clearly write full name and hand over it to the applicant. Time limit to settle the marriage registration is calculated from day of receiving full valid dossier and fee.
In case where the applicant submits dossier improperly to competent agencies as prescribed in Article 6 of this Decree, the officer receiving dossier shall guide such person to come competent agencies for submission of dossier.

  1. The procedures for receiving dossiers specified in clause 2 of this Article shall also apply to receipt of dossier of registration on recognition of fathers, mothers or children; grant of confirmation on marriage status, recognition of marriages, recording in the civil status books recognition of fathers, mothers and children as prescribed in this Decree, except for provision on writing day of interview.

Article 9. Time limit to settle the marriage registration
Time limit to settle the marriage registration is 25 days as from the date the provincial Justice services receive the complete and valid dossiers and fees. In case the provincial Justice services request police agencies for verification as prescribed in clause 2 Article 10 of this Decree, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceeding 10 working days.
Time limit to settle the marriage registration at representative agencies is 20 days as from the date the representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers and fees. In case the representative agencies request domestic agencies for verification as prescribed in clause 2 Article 13 of this Decree, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceeding 35 days.
Article 10. The order to settle the marriage registration in Vietnam

  1. Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the provincial/municipal Justice Services have the responsibility:
  2. a) To implement the direct interview at head office of provincial Justice Service for both marriage partners in order to check, clarify personal matter, voluntary marriage and extent of understanding each other of both marriage partners. In case translator for interview is necessary, the provincial Justice Service shall appoint translator.

The interview result must be made in writing. The interviewer must clearly state his/her opinions and proposals and sign on the interview document; the translator (if any) must commit that content of review has been translated exactly and sign on the interview document.
If the interview result shows that two parties fail to understand status of each other, the provincial Justice Service shall make an appointment for re-interview; the next interview shall be performed 30 days after the preceding interview.

  1. b) To study and verify the marriage registration dossiers. In cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation that the marriages through illegal brokerage, make sham marriages, take advantage of the marriage for the purpose of human trafficking or for other self-seeking purposes or where they deem that the personal identification of both marriage partners or papers in the marriage registration dossiers need to be clarified, the provincial Justice Services shall conduct the verification for clarification.
  2. In case where considering that the problem which needs to be verified fall in function of police agencies, the provincial Justice Services shall issue Official Dispatch clearly stating issues in need of verification, enclosed with copy of 01 set of marriage registration dossier (copies not require for authentication) and send it to the police agencies of same level for verification request.

Within 7 working days, after receiving Official Dispatch of provincial Justice Services, police agencies shall implement verification of issues as required and reply in writing to the provincial Justice Services.

  1. After interviewing both marriage partners, studying and verifying the marriage registration dossiers, opinions of police agencies (if any), the provincial Justice Services shall report result and propose settlement of marriage registration to submit to provincial People’s Committees for decision, enclosed with 01 set of marriage registration dossier.

Within 05 working days, after receiving the written submission of the provincial Justice Service together with the marriage registration dossier, if considering that both marriage partners meet conditions of marriage, not fall in cases of refusal for marriage registration specified in Article 12 of this Decree, the President of the provincial People’s Committee shall sign certificate of marriage and return dossier to the provincial Justice Service for holding the ceremony for marriage registration.
In case refusal for marriage registration, provincial People’s Committees shall have a document clearly stating reason thereof and send it to the provincial Justice Service in order to notify both marriage partners.
Article 11. Ceremonies for marriage registration in Vietnam

  1. Within 05 working days, after the President of the provincial People’s Committee signs the marriage certificate, the provincial Justice Service shall hold ceremony for marriage registration.
  2. The marriage registration ceremony shall be solemnly organized at the office of the provincial Justice Service. When the marriage registration ceremony is held, both marriage partners must be present. The representative of the provincial Justice Service shall preside over the ceremony, requesting both parties to state their final intention on voluntary marriage. If they agree to marry each other, the representative of the Justice Service shall record the marriage in the marriage registers, requesting each party to sign on the marriage certificate, the marriage register and hand over the original marriage certificate to the husbands and wives, each with one certificate.
  3. The marriage certificate shall be valid from the date the marriage registration ceremony is organized as provided for in Clause 2 of this Article. The grant of copies of the marriage certificate from the original registers shall be implemented by the provincial/municipal Justice Service at the requests of the wives or husbands.
  4. In case where the both marriage partners, for plausible reasons, request extension of time holding the ceremony for marriage registration specified in clause 1 of this Article, the time shall be extended but not exceed 90 days, after the President of the provincial People’s Committee signs the marriage certificate. If past this time limit both marriage partners fail to come ceremony for marriage registration, the provincial Justice Service shall report to the President of the provincial People’s Committee; the marriage certificate shall be kept in dossier.

If both parties still wish to marry each other, they must restart the procedures for marriage registration.
Article 12. Refusal of marriage registration

  1. The marriage registration shall be refused in the following cases:
  2. a) One or both parties fail to reach the marriage ages according to Vietnamese laws;
  3. b) The foreign party fails to be eligible for the marriage according to the laws of the country which he/she is citizen of or where he/she permanently resides (for stateless persons);
  4. c) The marriage is not voluntarily decided by the male and/or the female;
  5. d) There is deception, coercion in the marriage;
  6. dd) One or both parties are having wife or husband;
  7. e) One or both parties lose the civil act capacity;
  8. g) The marriage parties are in the direct lines of descent or relatives within three generations;
  9. h) The marriage parties are or were once the adoptive father, adoptive mother and the adopted daughter, son; the father-in-law and daughter-in-law; the mother-in-law and son-in-law; the step father and his step- daughter; the step-mother and her step-son;
  10. i) The marriage parties are of the same sex (marriage between men, marriage between women).
  11. The marriage registration shall also be refused if the interview, inspection and verification results show that the marriage is conducted through illegal brokerage or is sham, not for the purpose of building a prosperous, equitable, progressive, happy and sustainable family; or aims at human trafficking, labor exploitation, sexually abusing women or other self-seeking purposes.

Article 13. The order to settle the marriage registration in representative agencies

  1. Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the representative agencies have the responsibility:
  2. a) To implement the direct interview at head office of representative agency for both marriage partners in similar way specified in point a clause 1 Article 10 of this Decree.
  3. b) To study and verify the marriage registration dossiers. In cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation that the marriages through illegal brokerage, make sham marriages, take advantage of the marriage for the purpose of human trafficking or for other self-seeking purposes or where they deem that the personal identification of both marriage partners or papers in the marriage registration dossiers need to be clarified, the representative agencies shall conduct the verification for clarification.
  4. c) If considering that both marriage partners meet full conditions of marriage, not fall in cases of refusal for marriage registration specified in Article 12 of this Decree, the head of the representative agency shall sign marriage certificate.

In case refusal for marriage registration, the representative agency shall have a written notice clearly stating reason thereof to both marriage partners.

  1. In case where considering that the problem which need to be verified fall in function of domestic concerned agencies, the representative agency shall issue Official Dispatch clearly stating matters in need of verification, and send it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for verification request by concerned agencies under their specialzed functions.

Within 10 working days, after receiving Official Dispatch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, domestic concerned agencies shall implement verification of issues as required and reply in writing to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to forward to the representative agency.

  1. Within 05 working days, after the head of representative agency signs the marriage certificate, the ceremony for marriage registration shall be held.
  2. The marriage registration ceremony shall be solemnly organized at the office of representative agency. When the marriage registration ceremony is held, both marriage partners must be present. The representative of representative agency shall preside over the ceremony, requesting both parties to state their final intention on voluntary marriage. If they agree to marry each other, the representative of representative agency shall record the marriage in the marriage registers, requesting each party to sign on the marriage certificate, the marriage register and hand over the original marriage certificate to the husbands and wives, each with one certificate.
  3. The marriage certificate shall be valid from the date the marriage registration ceremony is organized as provided for in Clause 4 of this Article. The grant of copies of the marriage certificate from the original registers shall be implemented by the representative agencies at the requests of the wives or husbands.
  4. In case where the both marriage partners, for plausible reasons, request extension of time holding the ceremony for marriage registration specified in clause 3 of this Article, the time shall be extended but not exceed 90 days, after the head of the representative agency signs the marriage certificate. If past this time limit both marriage partners fail to come ceremony for marriage registration, the representative agency shall kept the marriage certificate in dossier.

If both parties still wish to marry each other, they must restart the procedures for marriage registration.
Article 14. Competence to grant confirmation of marriage status
The communal People’s Committee where Vietnamese citizens register permanent residence shall grant confirmation on marriage status for such persons in order to do procedures for marriage registration with foreigners at foreign competent agencies in other country
In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the communal People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall grant confirmation on marriage status.
Article 15. Procedures for granting confirmation of marriage status

  1. A dossier of granting confirmation of marriage status is made into 01 set, including the following papers:
  2. a) The declaration for grant of marriage registration confirmation (made according to a set form);
  3. b) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters such as identity card or passport or valid papers of substitute value;
  4. c) The copy of the household registration book, the temporary residence book of applicant.

For foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.

  1. The applicant submits directly dossier of granting confirmation of marriage status at the competent communal People’s Committee as prescribed in Article 14 of this Decree.
  2. Within 02 working days, as from fully receiving the valid dossiers as well as fees, the communal People’s Committee shall make a document to consult the provincial Justice Service enclosed with 01 set of dossier.
  3. Within 10 working days, after receiving proposal of the communal People’s Committee, the provincial Justice Services shall implement inspection, verification and issue a written reply for the communal People’s Committee, together with returned dossier; if refusal for settlement, the provincial Justice Services must clearly explain reason in writing and send it to the communal People’s Committee in order to notify for applicant.
  4. Within 02 working days, after receiving written agreement of the provincial Justice Services, the President of the communal People’s Committee shall sign the marriage status confirmation and issue it for applicant.
  5. Based on specific conditions, the Minister of Justice shall stipulate on supplementation of interview procedures for issuance of the marriage status confirmation for Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam who wish to register marriage with foreigners at foreign competent agencies in other country.

Article 16. Conditions and forms of recognition of marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country

  1. The marriages between Vietnamese citizens or between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country, in conformity with law of that country, shall be recognized in Vietnam, if by the time of marriage such Vietnamese citizens have not violated Vietnam’s law provisions on marriage conditions.

In cases where there are violations of Vietnamese legislation on marriage conditions but by the time of requesting the recognition of the marriages, the consequences of such violations have already been overcome or the recognition of such marriages is beneficial to the protection of the interests of the women and children, such marriages shall also be recognized in Vietnam.

  1. The marriage recognition prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article shall be annotated in registers according to procedures specified in Article 17 of this Decree.

Article 17. Competence, order of and procedures for recording in registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country

  1. The provincial Justice Service of locality where Vietnamese citizen resides shall implement annotations in the registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country (hereinafter referred to as annotations in the registers for marriage). In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall perform annotations in the registers for marriages.

The representative agency shall make annotations in the registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens residing in the receiving country.

  1. A Dossier of annotation in the registers for marriage is made into 01 set, including the following papers:
  2. a) The declaration for annotation in the registers for marriage (made according to a set form);
  3. b) The copies of papers proving marriage issued by foreign competent agencies;
  4. c) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters such as identity card or passport or papers of substitute value;
  5. d) The copy of the household registration book or the temporary residence book of applicant.

In case of recognition of marriage between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.

  1. Dossier of annotation in the registers for marriage must be directly filed at competent agencies as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.
  2. Time limit to settle the annotation in the registers for marriage is 05 days as from the date the provincial Justice Sevices or representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees. In case needs verification, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceed 05 working days.

In case of refusal for the annotation in the registers for marriage, the provincial Justice Sevices shall reply in writing to applicant, which clearly stating reason thereof.

  1. After the annotation in the registers for marriage has been performed, the Director of provincial Justice Sevices shall sign and issue a confirmation that marriage has been annotated in records for civil status matters (according to the set form).

Chapter 3.
Article 18. Conditions for recognition of fathers, mothers, children

  1. The recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other and at least a partner residing in foreign country, between foreigners with each other and at least a partner permanently residing in Vietnam under the provisions of this Decree shall be effected only if the recognizer and the recognizee are still alive by the time of filing the written request and it is voluntary and dispute-free.
  2. In cases where the children are minor, the request for recognition of fathers or mothers must be consented by persons who are parents of children, except those persons died, missed, are incapable of civil acts. If the children are minor but aged full nine years or older, the request for recognition of fathers or mothers must be consented by such children themselves.
  3. Adult children applying for the recognition of their fathers, their mothers’ consents are not required; and for the recognition of their mothers, their fathers’ consents are not required.
  4. In cases where the children are minor requesting for recognition of fathers or mothers, the mothers shall carry out the procedures for recognition of fathers or the fathers shall carry out the procedures for recognition of mothers for such children. In cases where the children are minor requesting for recognition of fathers or mothers, but the respectively mothers or fathers died, missed, are incapable of civil acts, the guardians shall carry out the procedures for recognition of fathers or the fathers for such children.

Article 19. Competence to register the recognition of fathers, mothers, children

  1. The provincial Justice Services of the localities where the persons to be recognized fathers, mothers or children permanently reside shall recognize and register the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children specified in Article 18 of this Decree.

In cases where the persons who are recognized fathers, mothers or children have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall recognize and register the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children.

  1. The representative agencies at the receiving countries shall recognize and register the application for recognition of Vietnamese citizens residing in such countries to be fathers, mothers or children as requested by foreigners, if the registers are not contrary to law of the receiving countries.

In case where a Vietnamese citizen residing overseas wish to recognize a Vietnamese citizen residing overseas to be father, mother, child, the representative agency at the residing country of one of to parties shall recognize and register the recognition of father, mother, child.
Article 20. Dossier of recognition of fathers, mothers, children

  1. The dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall be made into 01 set, including the following papers:
  2. a) The declaration for registration of recognition of fathers, mothers or children (made according to a set form);
  3. b) The copies of papers proving personal matters such as the identity cards or passports (for Vietnamese citizens staying in the country), or passports or substitute papers such as travel documents, or residence cards (for foreigners and Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries);
  4. c) The copies of the birth certificates of the persons to be recognized as children, for case of recognition of children; of persons recognizing the fathers, mothers, for case of recognition of fathers or mothers;
  5. d) Grounds (if any) to prove that there is between the recognizer and the recognizee the father or mother and children relationship;
  6. e) The copy of the household registration book or collective resident certificate (for Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in the country); the permanent residence card (for foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam) of the persons to be recognized as fathers, mothers or children.
  7. The applicant must submit directly dossier of recognition of father, mother or children at the competent agencies as prescribed in Article 19 of this Decree.

Article 21. Time limits for settlement of the recognition of fathers, mothers, children
The time limit for settlement of the recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall be 25 days as from the date the provincial Justice Services or the representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees.
In case the verification is necessary as prescribed in clause 3 Article 22 or point a clause 1 Article 23 of this Decree, the time limit above may be prolonged but not exceed 10 working days.
Article 22. The order to settle the recognition of fathers, mothers or children in Vietnam

  1. After receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the provincial Justice Services have the responsibility for study and examination of dossiers, posting up the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children for 07 consecutive days at the offices of the provincial Justice Services, and at the same time to send official dispatches requesting the commune-level People’s Committees of the localities where the persons to be recognized as fathers, mothers or children permanently reside to post up the application for the recognition thereof.
  2. After receiving the requesting official dispatches of the provincial Justice Services, the commune-level People’s Committees have the responsibility postingup the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children for 07 consecutive days at their offices. If there is any complaint and/or denunciation about the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the commune-level People’s Committees shall have to send written reports thereon to the provincial Justice Services.
  3. In cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation about the recognition of fathers, mothers or children or where they deem that the personal identification of the involved parties or papers in the dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children need to be clarified, the provincial Justice Service shall carry out the verification.
  4. If deeming that the involved parties have satisfied all conditions for recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the directors of provincial Justice Services shall sign decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children.

In case of refusing the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the provincial Justice Services shall notify such in writing which clearly stating reason thereof to the applicants.

  1. Within 05 working days as from the date the directors of provincial Justice Services sign the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, except where the involved parties, for plausible reasons, request another time, the provincial Justice Services shall hand the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children to the involved parties and record in the registers for the recognition of fathers, mothers or children. When handing over the Decisions on recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the recognizer and the recognizee must be present.

Article 23. The order to settle the recognition of fathers, mothers or children in representative agencies

  1. Within 20 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the representative agencies have the responsibility:
  2. a) To study, verify dossiers of recognition of fathers, mothers or children; in cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation about the recognition of fathers, mothers or children or where they deem that the personal identification of the involved parties or papers in the dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children need to be clarified, the representative agencies shall carry out the verification;
  3. b) If deeming that the involved parties have satisfied all conditions for recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the heads of representative agencies shall sign decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children.

In case of refusing the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the representative agencies shall send written notices which clearly stating reason thereof to the applicants.

  1. Within 05 working days as from the date the heads of representative agencies sign the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, except where the involved parties, for plausible reasons, request another time, the provincial Justice Services shall hand the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children to the involved parties and record in the registers for the recognition of fathers, mothers or children. When handing over the Decisions on recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the recognizer and the recognizee must be present.

Article 24. Recording in civil status books for recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies
The recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens with each other or with foreigners already carried out at foreign competent agencies shall be recorded in the civil status books as prescribed in article 25 of this Decree.
Article 25. Competence, orders of and procedures for recording in civil status books for recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies

  1. The provincial Justice Services of localities where Vietnamese citizens reside shall implement annotations in the civil status books for recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies (hereinafter referred to as annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers). In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall perform annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers.

The representative agency in the receiving country, residence place of Vietnamese citizens shall make annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers.

  1. Time limit to settle the annotation in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers is 05 working days as from the date the provincial Justice Sevices or representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees. In case needs verification, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceed 05 working days.
  2. The dossiers of annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers shall be made into 01 set, including the following papers:
  3. a) The declaration for annotation in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers (made according to a set form);
  4. b) The copies of papers on recognition of fathers, mothers issued by foreign competent agencies;
  5. c) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters of the applicant such as identity card or passport or papers of substitute value;
  6. d) The copy of the household registration book or the temporary residence book of applicant.
  7. The applicant must submit directly dossier of annotations in the registers for recognition of father, mother or children at the competent agencies as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.
  8. After the annotation in the registers for recognition of father, mother or children has been performed, the Director of provincial Justice Sevice or head of representative agency shall sign and issue a confirmation that civil status matters have been annotated in the registers (according to the set form).

Chapter 4.
Article 26. Competence to register marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children
The commune-level People’s Committees in border regions shall effect the registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in border regions and citizens of neighboring countries permanently residing in regions bordering on Vietnam under the provisions of this Decree and other law provisions on civil status registration.
Article 27. The order of and procedures for marriage registration

  1. The dossiers of marriage registration are made into 01 set, including the following papers of each party:
  2. a) The declaration for marriage registration (made according to a set form);
  3. b) The written certification of marital status or marriage registration declaration with certification of marital status of Vietnamese citizens; documentary evidence on marital status of citizens of neighboring countries issued by competent agencies of such countries.

Papers specified in this point must be issued within 06 months to the date the dossier is received, stating that such person is currently in status of no wife or no husband.
For Vietnamese citizens who have already been divorced at foreign competent agencies or foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.

  1. One of two marriage partners shall directly submit dossiers of marriage registration at the communal-level People’s Committees, where register marriages.
  2. The applicants must produce the following papers:
  3. a) The Vietnamese citizens must produce the border people’s identity cards; in cases where the border people’s identity cards are not available, they must produce papers proving their permanent residence in border regions, together with other personal papers, for inspection;
  4. b) The citizens of neighboring countries must produce the personal papers or other papers issued by competent State bodies of the neighboring countries to prove that their citizens permanently reside in regions bordering on Vietnam.
  5. Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers, the communal-level People’s Committees have the responsibility for verification of dossiers. After the dossier verification, the commune-level People’s Committees shall send official dispatches, enclosed with copy of one set of marriage registration dossier (copies not require for authentication), to the provincial Justice Services for comments.
  6. Within 15 working days as from the date of receiving the official dispatches of the commune-level People’s Committees, the provincial Justice Services shall consider the marriage registration dossiers and give their written replies to the former.

In case refusal for marriage registration, the provincial Justice Services shall have a document clearly stating reason thereof and send it to the provincial Justice Service in order to notify both of lady and gentleman parties.

  1. Within 07 working days as from the date of receiving the consent of the provincial Justice Services, the commune-level People’s Committees shall perform marriage registration as for the cases of registration of marriage between Vietnamese citizens in the country according to the law provisions on civil status registration.

Article 28. The order of and procedures for registration for recognition of fathers, mothers or children

  1. A dossier on registration for recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall be made into 01 set, including:
  2. a) The declaration for recognition of fathers, mothers or children (made according to a set form);
  3. d) Grounds (if any) to prove that there is between the recognizer and the recognizee the father or mother and children relationship;
  4. The applicant must submit directly dossier on registration for recognition of father, mother or children at the communal-level People’s Committees, where registering the recognition of father, mother or children. When submit dossiers, the applicants must produce papers specified in clause 3 Article 27 of this Decree for inspection.
  5. Within 15 days as from fully receiving the valid dossiers, the commune-level People’s Committees have the responsibility for verification of dossiers, posting up the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children for 07 consecutive days at their offices. Past the time limit of posting, the commune-level People’s Committees shall send official dispatches, enclosed with copies of one set of dossier (copies not require for authentication), to the provincial Justice Services for comments.
  6. Within 05 working days as from the date of receiving the official dispatches of the commune-level People’s Committees, the provincial Justice Services shall consider dossiers of recognition of fathers, mothers or children and give their written replies to the former.

In case of refusing the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the provincial Justice Services shall send document to the communal-level People’s Committees in order to notify which clearly stating reason thereof to the applicants.

  1. Within 07 working days as from the date of receiving the written consents of the provincial Justice Services, the commune-level People’s Committees shall perform registration of recognition of fathers, mothers or children as for the cases of registration of recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens in the country according to the law provisions on civil status registration.

Chapter 5.
Article 29. The legal status of the Centers of advisory and assistance on marriage and family involving foreign elements
The Centers of advisory and assistance on marriage and family involving foreign elements (hereinafter referred to as Centers) are non-business units of the Cetral Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union or the Women’s Union in provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as the Women’s Unions). Women’s Unions shall promulgate decisions on establishment of centers.
Article 30. The principles of advisory and assistance activities on marriage and family involving foreign elements

  1. Activities of centers must ensure in the non-profit principle, contribute to make the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements be more healthy, in conformity with basic principles of the marriage and family regime of Vietnam, and national culture and fine traditions.
  2. It is strictly prohibited to take advantage of advisory and assistance on marriage and family involving foreign elements to human trafficking in, sexually abuse women or for other self-seeking purposes.

Article 31. Conditions for establishment of Centers

  1. Having an operation regulation ensuring the non-profit principle approved by the Woman’s Unions.
  2. Having necessary places, equipment, human resources to assure for activities of centers.
  3. The persons who are expected as heads of centers have no criminal records.

Article 32. Procedures for registration for operation of centers, re-grant of certificate of operation registration of centers

  1. After being established, the centers must register operation at the provincial Justice Services, where the centers located head offices.
  2. The dossiers for registration of operation of Centers shall be made 01 set including the following papers:
  3. a) The declaration for operation registration (made according to a set form);
  4. b) The copy of the decision on the establishment of the center;
  5. c) The papers testifying to the location of the Center’s headquarters;
  6. d) The legal record card of the person expected to head the Center granted within 03 months, to the day of receiving dossier;
  7. e) The copy of operation regulation specified in clause 1 Article 31 of this Decree.
  8. Within 05 working days as from the date of receiving complete and valid dossiers, the provincial Justice Services shall grant the certificate of operation registration to the Centers (according to set form). In case of refusal for grant of operation registration certificate, the provincial Justice Services shall notify such in writing to the Women’s Unions which have set up the centers, in which clearly state reason thereof.
  9. In case where the certificate of operation registration of a center is lost or corrupted cannot to use, it shall be re-granted the certificate of operation registration.

Article 33. Rights and obligations of the Centers

  1. The Centers have the following rights:
  2. a) To give advice on matters on marriage and family involving foreign elements to Vietnamese citizens under guidance of the Woman’s Unions;
  3. b) To give advice, improve for Vietnamese citizens on languages, cultures, customs and practices, as well as law on marriage and family, entry of countries which the involved parties expect to marry with citizen of such countries;
  4. c) To give advice, help foreigners to inquire into matters regarding languages, cultures, customs and practices, as well as law on marriage and family of Vietnam;
  5. d) To help the marriage partners to inquire into matters regarding the personal identification, families and social backgrounds of the parties, as well as other relevant matters requested by the parties; create favorable conditions for them to proceed to voluntary, equitable, progressive, happy and monogamous marriages;
  6. dd) To grant written confirmation for Vietnamese citizens after they have been consulted, improved as prescribed in point a and point b clause 1 of this article;
  7. e) To assist the parties in finalizing dossiers for marriage registration as prescribed by law, if have request;
  8. g) In case where Vietnamese citizens or foreigners have demand to be introduced with foreigners or Vietnamese citizens for marriage, the centers may perform introduction;
  9. h) To be entitled to perform coordination with legal organizations of marriage advisory, assistance of concerned foreign countries in order to settle matters related to marriage and family between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners as prescribed by law;
  10. i) To receive remunerations to cover operation cost and be paid other reasonable actual costs as prescribed by law, ensure the non-profit principle;
  11. k) To change content of operation registration certificate as prescribed in Article 34 of this Decree.
  12. The Centers have the following obligations:
  13. a) To carry out activities in strict accordance with the contents inscribed in the operation registration certificates;
  14. b) To publicize the remunerations as prescribed by law;
  15. c) To keep in secret of information, documents on private life of parties as prescribed by law;
  16. d) To be inspected, managed by the Woman’s Unions;
  17. dd) To report every 6 months and annually on activities of centers to the Woman’s Union and the provincial Justice Services, where register operation; report irregularly, supply documents of make explainations on matters related to activities of Centers at the request of competent state agencies;
  18. e) To be inspected, examined by the Central Committee of Vietnam Woman’s Union, the Ministry of Justice, the provincial Justice Services where their operations have been registered and other competent agencies as prescribed by law;
  19. g) To send final settlement on financial revenue and expenditure relating to advisory and assisstance activities on marriage and family involving foreign elements to the Woman’s Union, the provincial Justice Services where their operations have been registered;
  20. h) Other obligations as prescribed by law.

Article 34. Changes in contents of the operation registration certificates of Centers

  1. In cases where Centers wish to change their appellations and/or headquarters locations, they must send written requests for annotation on the changes, together with their operation registration certificates, to the provincial Justice Services where their operations have been registered.

Within 03 working days as from the date of receiving the written requests for annotation on the changes, the provincial Justice Services shall directly inscribe the changed contents in the operation registration certificates of the Centers and affix stamps for certification.

  1. In cases where there are requests for replacement of the heads of the Centers or the operation contents of the Centers, the Woman’s Unions must send the written requests for the changes, clearly stating the purposes, contents and reasons for the changes, together with the operation registration certificates, to the provincial Justice Services where the Centers operations have been registered. In case of replacement of the heads of the Centers, the legal record cards of the substitutes which are issued within 03 months to the day of receiving dossire must be enclosed with the written requests for the change.

Within 05 working days as from fully receiving the valid dossiers, the provincial Justice Services shall directly inscribe the changed contents in the operation registration certificates of the Centers and affix stamps for certification. In case of refusing the changes, the Justice Services shall notify such in writing which clearly state reason thereof to the Woman’s Unions.
Article 35. Termination of operations of Centers

  1. A Center shall terminate its operation in the following cases:
  2. a) Women’s Union decides to dissolve the Center;
  3. b) It is deprived indefinitely of the right to use the operation registration certificate by decision of a competent State body.
  4. In case of operation termination under the provisions at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article, the Woman’s Union must send written notifications of the termination of operation of the Center to the provincial Justice Services where the Center has registered its operations, at least 30 days before the date of termination of operations of the Center. The Centers shall have to return the operation registration certificates to the provincial Justice Services where they previously registered their operation.
  5. In cases of operation termination under the provisions at Point b, Clause 1 of this Article, the provincial Justice Services or other competent agencies must send decisions on indefinite deprivation of the right to use the operation registration certificate at least 30 days before the date the Centers are forced to terminate operations.
  6. Before the date of operation termination, the Centers shall have to pay all debts (if any) to relevant organizations and/or individuals and settle all matters related to the operation termination; and make reports on thereon in writing to send to the Woman’s Unions and the provincial Justice Services where they previously registered their operation.

Chapter 6.
Article 36. Tasks and powers of the Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice takes responsibility before the Government in unified state management over marriage and family involving foreign elements nationwide, having the following tasks and powers:

  1. To formulate and submit to the competent State agencies for promulgation or to promulgate according to its competence legal documents on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
  2. To guide the provincial-level People’s Committees and coordinate with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in directing and guiding the representative agencies in implementation of the law provisions on marriage and family involving foreign elements; to disseminate and educate in the legislation and settle cases on marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
  3. To issue unified forms of books and papers for registration of civil status cases prescribed in this Decree.
  4. To inspect and examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements; to settle complaints and denunciations according to the provisions of law and handle administrative violations on marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
  5. To gather statistics on the registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, grant of confirmation on marriage status, annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed in this Decree.
  6. To carry out international cooperation in the field of marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.

Article 37. Tasks and powers of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs shall perform the State management over the marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law, having the following tasks and powers:

  1. To direct the representative agencies in implementing the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements as well as on civil status registration operations; in taking measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries in marriage and family relations in accordance with the laws of the host countries and the international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.
  2. To direct the representative agencies in observing the regime of statistics and annual reports on the situation of registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children and annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, which fall under their settling jurisdiction as prescribed in this Decree.

To gather data for statistics and make annual reports on the situation of registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children and annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, which fall under their settling jurisdiction and send them to the Ministry of Justice.

  1. To update and supply basic information on law, culture, customs and practices of host countries in order to do as basis for orientation of domestic propagation and advisory.
  2. To inspect and examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements at representative agencies; to settle complaints and denunciations according to the provisions of law; and handle administrative violations on marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
  3. To settle under their jurisdiction foreign affairs araising during the course of implementation of International treaties on marriage and family of which Vietnam is a member.
  4. To issue copies from the original books of marriage certificates, decisions on father, mother or child recognition according to the provisions of law.
  5. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.

Article 38. Tasks and powers of the representative agencies

  1. The representative agencies implement state management on marriage and family, having the following tasks and powers:
  2. a) To implement the marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers, children; donatations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children in conformity with law of receiving countries and International treaties of which Vietnam is a member;
  3. b) To make statistics and biannual and annual reports on the situation of registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children and annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, which fall under their settling jurisdiction as prescribed in this Decree.
  4. c) To update basic information on law, culture, customs and practices of host countries, report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  5. d) To settle complaints, denunciation and handle administrative violations relating to settlement of civil status cases as prescribed by law;
  6. e) To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
  7. Foreign affair officers, consular officers who perform civil status work have responsibility to help representative agencies in implementation of specfic tasks and powers as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article, except for denunciation settlement specified in point d, clause a of this Article.

Article 39. Tasks and powers of the Ministry of Public Security
The Ministry of Public Security shall perform the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law, having the following tasks and powers:

  1. To direct and guide the Police Services of the provinces and centrally-run cities assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the provincial Justice Services in verifying according to their specialized functions the requested matters in the dossiers of marriage registration as provided for in this Decree; to issue passports in time and create favorable conditions for Vietnamese citizens having their marriages registered, having been recognized as fathers, mothers or children to foreigners, to leave Vietnam when so requested.
  2. To direct and take measures to prevent and combat activities of brokerage in marriage for the purpose of seeking profits, acts abusing the marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children to seek profits, traffic in, exploit the labor of, or sexually abuse, women and/or children as well as other acts of violating the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
  3. To inspect, examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements according to the provisions of law.
  4. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.

Article 40. Tasks of the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government
The ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government shall, within the scope of their respective functions, tasks and powers, have to coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in performing the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements.
Article 41. Tasks and powers of the provincial People’s Committees

  1. The provincial-level People’s Committees shall perform the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements in their respective localities, having the following tasks and powers:
  2. a) To effect the registration of marriages which involve foreign elements, under the provisions of this Decree;
  3. b) To disseminate and educate in the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements;
  4. c) To make statistics, biannual and annual reports to the Ministry of Justice on the situation of registration of marriage, father, mother or child recognition as well as annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed by this Decree; and the situation of observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements in their respective localities.
  5. d) To ensure necessary conditions for the Woman’s Unions in provinces and centrally-run cities to establish Centers; facilitate for Centers to operate effectively; manage activities of Centers in their respective localities;
  6. dd) To inspect and examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements in their respective localities; to settle complaints and denunciations and handle administrative violations on marriage and family involving foreign elements in acordance with law;
  7. e) To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
  8. The provincial Justice Services shall assist the provincial-level People’s Committees in performing the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements in the localities; registration for recognition of fathers, mothers, children; annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children; perform specific tasks and exercise specific powers prescribed in this Decree.

Article 42. The participation on state management over marriage and family involving foreign elements of the Central Committeee of Vietnam Women’s Union
The Ministry of Justice, the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government, the provincial People’s Committees shall ensure for the Central Committee of Vietnam Women’s Union in participation in the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law. The Central Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union participates in the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements, having the following tasks and powers:

  1. To establish Centers as prescribed in this Decree and implement management over activities of Centers.
  2. To direct, guider the Woman’s Unions in provinces and centrally-run cities to establish Centers; and implement management over activities of Centers.
  3. To direct, guide on organization and operation of Centers.
  4. To coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in examination, inspection on organization and operation of Centers.
  5. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.

Chapter 7.
Article 43. Application of the Decree in special cases
This Decree is applied to register marriage, cognition of fathers, mothers, children between Vietnamese citizens who have foreign nationality with Vietnamese citizens or with foreigners.
Article 44. Paper required for stateless persons, persons with two or more foreign nationalities, Vietnamese citizens residing in other countries

  1. In case this Decree fails to specify for papers issued by competent agencies of other countries, which are used in marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers, children of stateless persons, persons with two or more foreign nationalities, these papers shall be defined as follows:
  2. a) For stateless persons, these are papers issued by competent agencies of countries where such person reside permanently;
  3. b) For persons with two or more foreign nationalities, these are papers issued by competent agencies of countries where such person have nationality and reside permanently; If such persons do not permanently reside in any of the countries which they bear the nationalities of, they are papers issued by competent agencies of the countries which such persons carry the passports of;
  4. For Vietnamese citizens permanently residing abroad, the papers for use in the registration of marriage, father, mother or child recognition as well as annotations in registers for marriage, father, mother or child recognition shall be those issued by competent agencies of the countries where such persons permanently reside or by the representative agencies in those countries.

Article 45. Effect

  1. This Decree takes effect on May 15, 2013.
  2. To annul the Government’s Decree No. 68/2002/ND-CP, of July 10, 2002 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements (hereinafter referred to as the Decree No. 68/2002/ND-CP), the Government’s Decree No. 69/2006/ND-CP, of July 21, 2006, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Decree No. 68/2002/ND-CP (hereinafter referred to as the Decree No. 69/2006/ND-CP).
  3. The dossiers of application for marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers, children; annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children, which have been carried out by foreign competent agencies in other countries and received by Vietnam’s competent agencies before this Decree takes effect shall continue to be settled according to the provisions of Decree No.68/2002/ND-CP and Decree No. 69/2006/ND-CP.

The dossiers of granting confirmation on marriage status for Vietnamese citizens residing in country used for marriage with foreigners at foreign competent agencies in orther countries, which have been received by Vietnam’s competent agencies before this Decree takes effect shall continue to be settled according to the provisions of Decree No. 158/2005/ND-CP, of December 27, 2005 on civil status registration and management and the Government’s Decree No. 06/2012/ND-CP, of February 02, 2012, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decrees on civil status, marriage and family as well as authentication.

  1. The Minister of Justice shall organize implementation of this Decree.
  2. The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government, the presidents of the People’s Committees of all levels, as well as relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals shall implement this Decree.


Nguyen Tan Dung

This translation is made by LawSoft and for reference purposes only. Its copyright is owned by LawSoft and protected under Clause 2, Article 14 of the Law on Intellectual Property.Your comments are always welcomed

The post Decree No.: 24/2013/ND-CP of March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements appeared first on MP Law Firm.

Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP of March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Marriage and Family Law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements Thu, 28 Mar 2013 12:19:35 +0000 THE GOVERNMENT ——- SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM Independence – Freedom – Happiness ———- No.: 24/2013/ND-CP Hanoi, March 28, 2013   DECREE DETAILING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NUMBER OF ARTICLES OF THE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LAW REGARDING THE MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RELATIONS INVOLVING FOREIGN ELEMENTS Pursuant to the Law on Government organization, of December 25, 2001; […]

The post Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP of March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Marriage and Family Law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements appeared first on MP Law Firm.



Independence – Freedom – Happiness

No.: 24/2013/ND-CP

Hanoi, March 28, 2013




Pursuant to the Law on Government organization, of December 25, 2001;
Pursuant to the Law on marriage and family, of June 09, 2000;
At the proposal of Minister of Justice;
The Government promulgates the Decree detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements,
Chapter 1.


Article 1. Scope of regulation
This Decree details the implementation of a number of articles of the Marriage and Family Law regarding the marriage between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other, which at least a party resides overseas, between foreigners in Vietnam; the recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other which at least a party resides overseas, between foreigners with each other which at least a party resides in Vietnam; the issuance of certification of marital status for Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam in marriage registration with foreigners which have been carried out at competent foreign agencies; recognition of marriages of Vietnamese citizens which have been settled at competent foreign agencies; recording in the civil status books recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens which have been settled at competent foreign agencies; organizations and activities of advisory and assisstance on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
Article 2. Protection of marriage and family relations involving foreign elements
1. In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the rights and legitimate interests of the parties to the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements are respected and protected in accordance with Vietnamese laws and the international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.
2. It is strictly prohibited to take advantage of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children to traffic in, exploit the labor of, sexually abuse women and/or children or for other self-seeking purposes.
Article 3. Requests for consular legalization, authentication of signatures of translators and authentication of copies of papers
1. Papers issued by foreign competent agencies or notarized or authenticated overseas for useto settle the marriage and family cases under the provisions of this Decree must be consular legalized, except for cases exempted from consular legalization under International treaties of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member or in principle of reciprocity.
Papers granted, notarized or authenticated by competent agencies of neighbour countries for use to settle the marriage and family cases as prescribed in Chapter IV of this Decree shall be exempted from consular legalization.
2. Papers prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article in foreign language(s) must be translated into Vietnamese and the translations must be authenticated signature of translator as prescribed by law.
Papers granted, notarized or authenticated overseas by competent agencies of neighbour countries for use to settle the marriage and family cases as prescribed in Chapter IV of this Decree shall be translated into Vietnamese, with commitment of translator for translating according to proper content, authentication of signature of translator is not required.
3. Copies of papers in dossier requesting settlement of marriage and family involving foreign elements, dossier registering operation of Center of advisory and assistance for marriages and family involving foreign elements as prescribed in this Decree must be legally authenticated; in case copies of papers are not authenticated, originals must be produced for comparison.
Article 4. The responsibility to archive the dossiers, record in the civil status books formarriages and family involving foreign elements
1. Files of settlement of marriage and family cases involving foreign elements as prescribed in this Decree must be preserved carefully and archived as prescribed by law.
2. The registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children settled by People’s Committees of provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as provincial People’s Committees), Justice services of provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as provincial Justice services) shall be recorded in 01 civil status book and kept in provincial Justice services.
The registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children settled by Diplomatic Missions, Consular Offices and other agencies authorized for consular function of Vietnam in foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as representative agencies) shall be recorded in 02 civil status books; after closing book, 01 book is kept in the representative agency where performs registration, 01 book is sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to perform grant of coppies as prescribed by law.
3. After solving the registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, recognition of marriage, recording in the civil status book for recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed in this Decree, provincial Justice services shall notify in writing to People’s Committees communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as communal People’s Committees) in order to make annotations in the civil status book.
Article 5. Fees
1. Those who apply for the registration of marriages, recognition of fathers, mothers or children; recognition of marriages, recording in the civil status books recognition of fathers, mothers and children of Vietnamese citizens, which have already been carried out at competent foreign offices, must pay civil status fees as provided for by law.
2. The registration of marriages, recognition of fathers, mothers or children involving foreign elements in border areas are free.
Chapter 2.


Article 6. Competence of marriage registration
1. The provincial People’s Committees of the localities where Vietnamese citizens permanently reside shall register the marriages between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other which at least a party resides overseas. In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial-level People’s Committees of the localities where the Vietnamese citizens temporarily reside shall register their marriages.
2. In cases where foreigners apply for marriage with each other in Vietnam, the provincial-level People’s Committees of the localities where either of them permanently resides shall register the marriage; in cases both of them have not got permanent residence registration in Vietnam, the provincial-level People’s Committees of the localities where either of them temporarily resides shall register the marriage.
3. The representative agencies shall register the marriages between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, if the registration is not contrary to law of host country; in case where Vietnamese citizens residing abroad marry with each other, the representative agencies shall register the marriages if they request.
Article 7. Dossier of marriage registration
1. A dossier of marriage registration is made into 01 set, including the following papers of each party:
a) The marriage registration declaration (made according to a set form);
b) The written certification of marital status or marriage registration declaration with certification of marital status of Vietnamese citizens, issued within 6 months to the date the dossier is received; documentary evidence on marital status of foreigners, issued by a competent agency of the country of which the applicant is a citizen, within 6 months to the date the dossier is received, stating that such applicant is currently in status of no wife or no husband;
In cases where foreign laws do not prescribe the certification of marriage status, it can be replaced by the certification of oath taken by the applicant that he or she concurrently has no wife or husband, in accordance with the laws of those countries;
c) The health certificate granted by a Vietnamese or foreign competent health organization within 6 months to the date of receiving the dossier, certifying that such person does not suffer from mental diseases or other diseases which make a person incapable to aware or control his/her acts;
d) The copies of one of personal papers, such as identity card or passport (Vietnamese citizens staying in the country), passport or papers of substitute value such as travel document or residence card (for foreigners or Vietnamese citizens staying overseas);
e) The copies of the household registration book, the temporary residence book (for Vietnamese citizens staying in the country); permanent residence card, temporary residence card or temporary residence certificate (for foreigners residing temporarily or permanently in Vietnam wish to marry each other).
2. In addition to the papers prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article, depending on each specific case, the marriage partners shall also have to submit the following corresponding papers:
a) For Vietnamese citizens being on service in the armed forces or performing jobs directly related to State secrets, they must submit the certification by their managing agencies or organizations of the central or provincial level that their marriages with foreigners do not affect the protection of State secrets or do not contravene the regulations of those branches;
b) For persons who have already been divorced at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
c) For Vietnamese citizens who concurrently have foreign nationality, they must also have documentary evidence on marriage status granted by foreign competent agencies;
d) For foreigners who not reside permanently in Vietnam, they must have written confirmation by foreign competent agencies that such persons are eligible for marriage according to law of that country;
e) For foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
3. Based on specific conditions, the Minister of Justice shall stipulate on supplementation of written confirmation by the center of advisory and assistance for marriage and family involving foreign elements that Vietnamese citizens have been given advice, assisted on for marriage and family involving foreign elements in dossier of marriage registration aiming to meet the state management requirement on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
Article 8. Procedures for submission, reception of dossiers
1. Dossier of marriage registration shall be directly submitted by one of two parties at provincial Department of Justice if perform marriage registration in Vietnam or at representative agencies if perform marriage registration at representative agencies.
2. The officer receiving dossier shall check papers in dossier, if dossier is full and valid, the officer shall make a receipt of dossier, clearly stating day of interview and day of returning result.
If dossier is insufficient and invalid, the officer receiving dossier shall guide both marriage partners to supplement, complete dossier. The written guidance must clearly and fully specify types of paper which need be supplemented and completed; the officer receiving dossier shall sign, clearly write full name and hand over it to the applicant. Time limit to settle the marriage registration is calculated from day of receiving full valid dossier and fee.
In case where the applicant submits dossier improperly to competent agencies as prescribed in Article 6 of this Decree, the officer receiving dossier shall guide such person to come competent agencies for submission of dossier.
3. The procedures for receiving dossiers specified in clause 2 of this Article shall also apply to receipt of dossier of registration on recognition of fathers, mothers or children; grant of confirmation on marriage status, recognition of marriages, recording in the civil status books recognition of fathers, mothers and children as prescribed in this Decree, except for provision on writing day of interview.
Article 9. Time limit to settle the marriage registration
Time limit to settle the marriage registration is 25 days as from the date the provincial Justice services receive the complete and valid dossiers and fees. In case the provincial Justice services request police agencies for verification as prescribed in clause 2 Article 10 of this Decree, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceeding 10 working days.
Time limit to settle the marriage registration at representative agencies is 20 days as from the date the representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers and fees. In case the representative agencies request domestic agencies for verification as prescribed in clause 2 Article 13 of this Decree, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceeding 35 days.
Article 10. The order to settle the marriage registration in Vietnam
1. Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the provincial/municipal Justice Services have the responsibility:
a) To implement the direct interview at head office of provincial Justice Service for both marriage partners in order to check, clarify personal matter, voluntary marriage and extent of understanding each other of both marriage partners. In case translator for interview is necessary, the provincial Justice Service shall appoint translator.
The interview result must be made in writing. The interviewer must clearly state his/her opinions and proposals and sign on the interview document; the translator (if any) must commit that content of review has been translated exactly and sign on the interview document.
If the interview result shows that two parties fail to understand status of each other, the provincial Justice Service shall make an appointment for re-interview; the next interview shall be performed 30 days after the preceding interview.
b) To study and verify the marriage registration dossiers. In cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation that the marriages through illegal brokerage, make sham marriages, take advantage of the marriage for the purpose of human trafficking or for other self-seeking purposes or where they deem that the personal identification of both marriage partners or papers in the marriage registration dossiers need to be clarified, the provincial Justice Services shall conduct the verification for clarification.
2. In case where considering that the problem which needs to be verified fall in function of police agencies, the provincial Justice Services shall issue Official Dispatch clearly stating issues in need of verification, enclosed with copy of 01 set of marriage registration dossier (copies not require for authentication) and send it to the police agencies of same level for verification request.
Within 7 working days, after receiving Official Dispatch of provincial Justice Services, police agencies shall implement verification of issues as required and reply in writing to the provincial Justice Services.
3. After interviewing both marriage partners, studying and verifying the marriage registration dossiers, opinions of police agencies (if any), the provincial Justice Services shall report result and propose settlement of marriage registration to submit to provincial People’s Committees for decision, enclosed with 01 set of marriage registration dossier.
Within 05 working days, after receiving the written submission of the provincial Justice Service together with the marriage registration dossier, if considering that both marriage partners meet conditions of marriage, not fall in cases of refusal for marriage registration specified in Article 12 of this Decree, the President of the provincial People’s Committee shall sign certificate of marriage and return dossier to the provincial Justice Service for holding the ceremony formarriage registration.
In case refusal for marriage registration, provincial People’s Committees shall have a document clearly stating reason thereof and send it to the provincial Justice Service in order to notify both marriage partners.
Article 11. Ceremonies for marriage registration in Vietnam
1. Within 05 working days, after the President of the provincial People’s Committee signs the marriage certificate, the provincial Justice Service shall hold ceremony for marriage registration.
2. The marriage registration ceremony shall be solemnly organized at the office of the provincial Justice Service. When the marriage registration ceremony is held, both marriage partners must be present. The representative of the provincial Justice Service shall preside over the ceremony, requesting both parties to state their final intention on voluntary marriage. If they agree to marry each other, the representative of the Justice Service shall record the marriage in the marriage registers, requesting each party to sign on the marriage certificate, the marriage register and hand over the original marriage certificate to the husbands and wives, each with one certificate.
3. The marriage certificate shall be valid from the date the marriage registration ceremony is organized as provided for in Clause 2 of this Article. The grant of copies of the marriage certificate from the original registers shall be implemented by the provincial/municipal Justice Service at the requests of the wives or husbands.
4. In case where the both marriage partners, for plausible reasons, request extension of time holding the ceremony for marriage registration specified in clause 1 of this Article, the time shall be extended but not exceed 90 days, after the President of the provincial People’s Committee signs the marriage certificate. If past this time limit both marriage partners fail to come ceremony for marriage registration, the provincial Justice Service shall report to the President of the provincial People’s Committee; the marriage certificate shall be kept in dossier.
If both parties still wish to marry each other, they must restart the procedures for marriage registration.
Article 12. Refusal of marriage registration
1. The marriage registration shall be refused in the following cases:
a) One or both parties fail to reach the marriage ages according to Vietnamese laws;
b) The foreign party fails to be eligible for the marriage according to the laws of the country which he/she is citizen of or where he/she permanently resides (for stateless persons);
c) The marriage is not voluntarily decided by the male and/or the female;
d) There is deception, coercion in the marriage;
dd) One or both parties are having wife or husband;
e) One or both parties lose the civil act capacity;
g) The marriage parties are in the direct lines of descent or relatives within three generations;
h) The marriage parties are or were once the adoptive father, adoptive mother and the adopted daughter, son; the father-in-law and daughter-in-law; the mother-in-law and son-in-law; the step father and his step- daughter; the step-mother and her step-son;
i) The marriage parties are of the same sex (marriage between men, marriage between women).
2. The marriage registration shall also be refused if the interview, inspection and verification results show that the marriage is conducted through illegal brokerage or is sham, not for the purpose of building a prosperous, equitable, progressive, happy and sustainable family; or aims at human trafficking, labor exploitation, sexually abusing women or other self-seeking purposes.
Article 13. The order to settle the marriage registration in representative agencies
1. Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the representative agencies have the responsibility:
a) To implement the direct interview at head office of representative agency for both marriage partners in similar way specified in point a clause 1 Article 10 of this Decree.
b) To study and verify the marriage registration dossiers. In cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation that the marriages through illegal brokerage, make sham marriages, take advantage of the marriage for the purpose of human trafficking or for other self-seeking purposes or where they deem that the personal identification of both marriage partners or papers in the marriage registration dossiers need to be clarified, the representative agencies shall conduct the verification for clarification.
c) If considering that both marriage partners meet full conditions of marriage, not fall in cases of refusal for marriage registration specified in Article 12 of this Decree, the head of the representative agency shall sign marriage certificate.
In case refusal for marriage registration, the representative agency shall have a written notice clearly stating reason thereof to both marriage partners.
2. In case where considering that the problem which need to be verified fall in function of domestic concerned agencies, the representative agency shall issue Official Dispatch clearly stating matters in need of verification, and send it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for verification request by concerned agencies under their specialzed functions.
Within 10 working days, after receiving Official Dispatch of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, domestic concerned agencies shall implement verification of issues as required and reply in writing to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to forward to the representative agency.
3. Within 05 working days, after the head of representative agency signs the marriage certificate, the ceremony for marriage registration shall be held.
4. The marriage registration ceremony shall be solemnly organized at the office of representative agency. When the marriage registration ceremony is held, both marriage partners must be present. The representative of representative agency shall preside over the ceremony, requesting both parties to state their final intention on voluntary marriage. If they agree to marry each other, the representative of representative agency shall record the marriage in the marriage registers, requesting each party to sign on the marriage certificate, the marriage register and hand over the original marriage certificate to the husbands and wives, each with one certificate.
5. The marriage certificate shall be valid from the date the marriage registration ceremony is organized as provided for in Clause 4 of this Article. The grant of copies of the marriage certificate from the original registers shall be implemented by the representative agencies at the requests of the wives or husbands.
6. In case where the both marriage partners, for plausible reasons, request extension of time holding the ceremony for marriage registration specified in clause 3 of this Article, the time shall be extended but not exceed 90 days, after the head of the representative agency signs the marriage certificate. If past this time limit both marriage partners fail to come ceremony for marriage registration, the representative agency shall kept the marriage certificate in dossier.
If both parties still wish to marry each other, they must restart the procedures for marriage registration.
Article 14. Competence to grant confirmation of marriage status
The communal People’s Committee where Vietnamese citizens register permanent residence shall grant confirmation on marriage status for such persons in order to do procedures for marriage registration with foreigners at foreign competent agencies in other country
In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the communal People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall grant confirmation on marriage status.
Article 15. Procedures for granting confirmation of marriage status
1. A dossier of granting confirmation of marriage status is made into 01 set, including the following papers:
a) The declaration for grant of marriage registration confirmation (made according to a set form);
b) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters such as identity card or passport or valid papers of substitute value;
c) The copy of the household registration book, the temporary residence book of applicant.
For foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
2. The applicant submits directly dossier of granting confirmation of marriage status at the competent communal People’s Committee as prescribed in Article 14 of this Decree.
3. Within 02 working days, as from fully receiving the valid dossiers as well as fees, the communal People’s Committee shall make a document to consult the provincial Justice Service enclosed with 01 set of dossier.
4. Within 10 working days, after receiving proposal of the communal People’s Committee, the provincial Justice Services shall implement inspection, verification and issue a written reply for the communal People’s Committee, together with returned dossier; if refusal for settlement, the provincial Justice Services must clearly explain reason in writing and send it to the communal People’s Committee in order to notify for applicant.
5. Within 02 working days, after receiving written agreement of the provincial Justice Services, the President of the communal People’s Committee shall sign the marriage status confirmation and issue it for applicant.
6. Based on specific conditions, the Minister of Justice shall stipulate on supplementation of interview procedures for issuance of the marriage status confirmation for Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam who wish to register marriage with foreigners at foreign competent agencies in other country.
Article 16. Conditions and forms of recognition of marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country
1. The marriages between Vietnamese citizens or between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country, in conformity with law of that country, shall be recognized in Vietnam, if by the time of marriage such Vietnamese citizens have not violated Vietnam’s law provisions on marriage conditions.
In cases where there are violations of Vietnamese legislation on marriage conditions but by the time of requesting the recognition of the marriages, the consequences of such violations have already been overcome or the recognition of such marriages is beneficial to the protection of the interests of the women and children, such marriages shall also be recognized in Vietnam.
2. The marriage recognition prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article shall be annotated in registers according to procedures specified in Article 17 of this Decree.
Article 17. Competence, order of and procedures for recording in registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country
1. The provincial Justice Service of locality where Vietnamese citizen resides shall implement annotations in the registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies in other country (hereinafter referred to as annotations in the registers for marriage). In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall perform annotations in the registers for marriages.
The representative agency shall make annotations in the registers for marriages of Vietnamese citizens residing in the receiving country.
2. A Dossier of annotation in the registers for marriage is made into 01 set, including the following papers:
a) The declaration for annotation in the registers for marriage (made according to a set form);
b) The copies of papers proving marriage issued by foreign competent agencies;
c) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters such as identity card or passport or papers of substitute value;
d) The copy of the household registration book or the temporary residence book of applicant.
In case of recognition of marriage between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
3. Dossier of annotation in the registers for marriage must be directly filed at competent agencies as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.
4. Time limit to settle the annotation in the registers for marriage is 05 days as from the date the provincial Justice Sevices or representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees. In case needs verification, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceed 05 working days.
In case of refusal for the annotation in the registers for marriage, the provincial Justice Sevices shall reply in writing to applicant, which clearly stating reason thereof.
5. After the annotation in the registers for marriage has been performed, the Director of provincial Justice Sevices shall sign and issue a confirmation that marriage has been annotated in records for civil status matters (according to the set form).
Chapter 3.


Article 18. Conditions for recognition of fathers, mothers, children
1. The recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, between Vietnamese citizens with each other and at least a partner residing in foreign country, between foreigners with each other and at least a partner permanently residing in Vietnam under the provisions of this Decree shall be effected only if the recognizer and the recognizee are still alive by the time of filing the written request and it is voluntary and dispute-free.
2. In cases where the children are minor, the request for recognition of fathers or mothers must be consented by persons who are parents of children, except those persons died, missed, areincapable of civil acts. If the children are minor but aged full nine years or older, the request for recognition of fathers or mothers must be consented by such children themselves.
3. Adult children applying for the recognition of their fathers, their mothers’ consents are not required; and for the recognition of their mothers, their fathers’ consents are not required.
4. In cases where the children are minor requesting for recognition of fathers or mothers, the mothers shall carry out the procedures for recognition of fathers or the fathers shall carry out the procedures for recognition of mothers for such children. In cases where the children are minor requesting for recognition of fathers or mothers, but the respectively mothers or fathers died, missed, are incapable of civil acts, the guardians shall carry out the procedures for recognition of fathers or the fathers for such children.
Article 19. Competence to register the recognition of fathers, mothers, children
1. The provincial Justice Services of the localities where the persons to be recognized fathers, mothers or children permanently reside shall recognize and register the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children specified in Article 18 of this Decree.
In cases where the persons who are recognized fathers, mothers or children have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall recognize and register the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children.
2. The representative agencies at the receiving countries shall recognize and register the application for recognition of Vietnamese citizens residing in such countries to be fathers, mothers or children as requested by foreigners, if the registers are not contrary to law of the receiving countries.
In case where a Vietnamese citizen residing overseas wish to recognize a Vietnamese citizen residing overseas to be father, mother, child, the representative agency at the residing country of one of to parties shall recognize and register the recognition of father, mother, child.
Article 20. Dossier of recognition of fathers, mothers, children
1. The dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall be made into 01 set, including the following papers:
a) The declaration for registration of recognition of fathers, mothers or children (made according to a set form);
b) The copies of papers proving personal matters such as the identity cards or passports (for Vietnamese citizens staying in the country), or passports or substitute papers such as travel documents, or residence cards (for foreigners and Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries);
c) The copies of the birth certificates of the persons to be recognized as children, for case of recognition of children; of persons recognizing the fathers, mothers, for case of recognition of fathers or mothers;
d) Grounds (if any) to prove that there is between the recognizer and the recognizee the father or mother and children relationship;
e) The copy of the household registration book or collective resident certificate (for Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in the country); the permanent residence card (for foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam) of the persons to be recognized as fathers, mothers or children.
2. The applicant must submit directly dossier of recognition of father, mother or children at the competent agencies as prescribed in Article 19 of this Decree.
Article 21. Time limits for settlement of the recognition of fathers, mothers, children
The time limit for settlement of the recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall be 25 days as from the date the provincial Justice Services or the representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees.
In case the verification is necessary as prescribed in clause 3 Article 22 or point a clause 1 Article 23 of this Decree, the time limit above may be prolonged but not exceed 10 working days.
Article 22. The order to settle the recognition of fathers, mothers or children in Vietnam
1. After receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the provincial Justice Services have the responsibility for study and examination of dossiers, posting up the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children for 07 consecutive days at the offices of the provincial Justice Services, and at the same time to send official dispatches requesting the commune-level People’s Committees of the localities where the persons to be recognized as fathers, mothers or children permanently reside to post up the application for the recognition thereof.
2. After receiving the requesting official dispatches of the provincial Justice Services, the commune-level People’s Committees have the responsibility postingup the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children for 07 consecutive days at their offices. If there is any complaint and/or denunciation about the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the commune-level People’s Committees shall have to send written reports thereon to the provincial Justice Services.
3. In cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation about the recognition of fathers, mothers or children or where they deem that the personal identification of the involved parties or papers in the dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children need to be clarified, the provincial Justice Service shall carry out the verification.
4. If deeming that the involved parties have satisfied all conditions for recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the directors of provincial Justice Services shall sign decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children.
In case of refusing the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the provincial Justice Services shall notify such in writing which clearly stating reason thereof to the applicants.
5. Within 05 working days as from the date the directors of provincial Justice Services sign the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, except where the involved parties, for plausible reasons, request another time, the provincial Justice Services shall hand the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children to the involved parties and record in the registers for the recognition of fathers, mothers or children. When handing over the Decisions on recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the recognizer and the recognizee must be present.
Article 23. The order to settle the recognition of fathers, mothers or children in representative agencies
1. Within 20 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees, the representative agencies have the responsibility:
a) To study, verify dossiers of recognition of fathers, mothers or children; in cases where there is any doubt, complaint or denunciation about the recognition of fathers, mothers or children or where they deem that the personal identification of the involved parties or papers in the dossiers of application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children need to be clarified, the representative agencies shall carry out the verification;
b) If deeming that the involved parties have satisfied all conditions for recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the heads of representative agencies shall sign decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children.
In case of refusing the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the representative agencies shall send written notices which clearly stating reason thereof to the applicants.
2. Within 05 working days as from the date the heads of representative agencies sign the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, except where the involved parties, for plausible reasons, request another time, the provincial Justice Services shall hand the decisions to recognize the recognition of fathers, mothers or children to the involved parties and record in the registers for the recognition of fathers, mothers or children. When handing over the Decisions on recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the recognizer and the recognizee must be present.
Article 24. Recording in civil status books for recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies
The recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens with each other or with foreigners already carried out at foreign competent agencies shall be recorded in the civil status books as prescribed in article 25 of this Decree.
Article 25. Competence, orders of and procedures for recording in civil status books for recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies
1. The provincial Justice Services of localities where Vietnamese citizens reside shall implement annotations in the civil status books for recognition of fathers, mothers or children of Vietnamese citizens already carried out at foreign competent agencies (hereinafter referred to as annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers). In cases where Vietnamese citizens have not got or not yet got permanent residence registration but have already registered their temporary residence according to the law provisions on residence, the provincial People’s Committees of the localities where the such persons temporarily reside shall perform annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers.
The representative agency in the receiving country, residence place of Vietnamese citizens shall make annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers.
2. Time limit to settle the annotation in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers is 05 working days as from the date the provincial Justice Sevices or representative agencies receive the complete and valid dossiers as well as fees. In case needs verification, the time limit may be prolonged but not exceed 05 working days.
3. The dossiers of annotations in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers shall be made into 01 set, including the following papers:
a) The declaration for annotation in the registers for recognition of fathers, mothers (made according to a set form);
b) The copies of papers on recognition of fathers, mothers issued by foreign competent agencies;
c) The copies of one of papers proving on personal matters of the applicant such as identity card or passport or papers of substitute value;
d) The copy of the household registration book or the temporary residence book of applicant.
4. The applicant must submit directly dossier of annotations in the registers for recognition of father, mother or children at the competent agencies as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article.
5. After the annotation in the registers for recognition of father, mother or children has been performed, the Director of provincial Justice Sevice or head of representative agency shall sign and issue a confirmation that civil status matters have been annotated in the registers (according to the set form).
Chapter 4.


Article 26. Competence to register marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children
The commune-level People’s Committees in border regions shall effect the registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens permanently residing in border regions and citizens of neighboring countries permanently residing in regions bordering on Vietnam under the provisions of this Decree and other law provisions on civil status registration.
Article 27. The order of and procedures for marriage registration
1. The dossiers of marriage registration are made into 01 set, including the following papers of each party:
a) The declaration for marriage registration (made according to a set form);
b) The written certification of marital status or marriage registration declaration with certification of marital status of Vietnamese citizens; documentary evidence on marital status of citizens of neighboring countries issued by competent agencies of such countries.
Papers specified in this point must be issued within 06 months to the date the dossier is received, stating that such person is currently in status of no wife or no husband.
For Vietnamese citizens who have already been divorced at foreign competent agencies or foreigners who have already been divorced with Vietnamese citizens at foreign competent agencies, they must submit the written confirmation that the divorce which carried out abroad have been recorded in civil status book as prescribed by law of Vietnam.
2. One of two marriage partners shall directly submit dossiers of marriage registration at the communal-level People’s Committees, where register marriages.
3. The applicants must produce the following papers:
a) The Vietnamese citizens must produce the border people’s identity cards; in cases where the border people’s identity cards are not available, they must produce papers proving their permanent residence in border regions, together with other personal papers, for inspection;
b) The citizens of neighboring countries must produce the personal papers or other papers issued by competent State bodies of the neighboring countries to prove that their citizens permanently reside in regions bordering on Vietnam.
4. Within 15 days as from the date of receiving the complete and valid dossiers, the communal-level People’s Committees have the responsibility for verification of dossiers. After the dossier verification, the commune-level People’s Committees shall send official dispatches, enclosed with copy of one set of marriage registration dossier (copies not require for authentication), to the provincial Justice Services for comments.
5. Within 15 working days as from the date of receiving the official dispatches of the commune-level People’s Committees, the provincial Justice Services shall consider the marriage registration dossiers and give their written replies to the former.
In case refusal for marriage registration, the provincial Justice Services shall have a document clearly stating reason thereof and send it to the provincial Justice Service in order to notify both of lady and gentleman parties.
6. Within 07 working days as from the date of receiving the consent of the provincial Justice Services, the commune-level People’s Committees shall perform marriage registration as for the cases of registration of marriage between Vietnamese citizens in the country according to the law provisions on civil status registration.
Article 28. The order of and procedures for registration for recognition of fathers, mothers or children
1. A dossier on registration for recognition of fathers, mothers or children shall be made into 01 set, including:
a) The declaration for recognition of fathers, mothers or children (made according to a set form);
d) Grounds (if any) to prove that there is between the recognizer and the recognizee the father or mother and children relationship;
2. The applicant must submit directly dossier on registration for recognition of father, mother or children at the communal-level People’s Committees, where registering the recognition of father, mother or children. When submit dossiers, the applicants must produce papers specified in clause 3 Article 27 of this Decree for inspection.
3. Within 15 days as from fully receiving the valid dossiers, the commune-level People’s Committees have the responsibility for verification of dossiers, posting up the application for recognition of fathers, mothers or children for 07 consecutive days at their offices. Past the time limit of posting, the commune-level People’s Committees shall send official dispatches, enclosed with copies of one set of dossier (copies not require for authentication), to the provincial Justice Services for comments.
4. Within 05 working days as from the date of receiving the official dispatches of the commune-level People’s Committees, the provincial Justice Services shall consider dossiers of recognition of fathers, mothers or children and give their written replies to the former.
In case of refusing the recognition of fathers, mothers or children, the provincial Justice Services shall send document to the communal-level People’s Committees in order to notify which clearly stating reason thereof to the applicants.
5. Within 07 working days as from the date of receiving the written consents of the provincial Justice Services, the commune-level People’s Committees shall perform registration of recognition of fathers, mothers or children as for the cases of registration of recognition of fathers, mothers or children between Vietnamese citizens in the country according to the law provisions on civil status registration.
Chapter 5.


Article 29. The legal status of the Centers of advisory and assistance on marriage and family involving foreign elements
The Centers of advisory and assistance on marriage and family involving foreign elements (hereinafter referred to as Centers) are non-business units of the Cetral Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union or the Women’s Union in provinces and centrally-run cities (hereinafter referred to as the Women’s Unions). Women’s Unions shall promulgate decisions on establishment of centers.
Article 30. The principles of advisory and assistance activities on marriage and family involving foreign elements
1. Activities of centers must ensure in the non-profit principle, contribute to make the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements be more healthy, in conformity with basic principles of the marriage and family regime of Vietnam, and national culture and fine traditions.
2. It is strictly prohibited to take advantage of advisory and assistance on marriage and family involving foreign elements to human trafficking in, sexually abuse women or for other self-seeking purposes.
Article 31. Conditions for establishment of Centers
1. Having an operation regulation ensuring the non-profit principle approved by the Woman’s Unions.
2. Having necessary places, equipment, human resources to assure for activities of centers.
3. The persons who are expected as heads of centers have no criminal records.
Article 32. Procedures for registration for operation of centers, re-grant of certificate of operation registration of centers
1. After being established, the centers must register operation at the provincial Justice Services, where the centers located head offices.
2. The dossiers for registration of operation of Centers shall be made 01 set including the following papers:
a) The declaration for operation registration (made according to a set form);
b) The copy of the decision on the establishment of the center;
c) The papers testifying to the location of the Center’s headquarters;
d) The legal record card of the person expected to head the Center granted within 03 months, to the day of receiving dossier;
e) The copy of operation regulation specified in clause 1 Article 31 of this Decree.
3. Within 05 working days as from the date of receiving complete and valid dossiers, the provincial Justice Services shall grant the certificate of operation registration to the Centers (according to set form). In case of refusal for grant of operation registration certificate, the provincial Justice Services shall notify such in writing to the Women’s Unions which have set up the centers, in which clearly state reason thereof.
4. In case where the certificate of operation registration of a center is lost or corrupted cannot to use, it shall be re-granted the certificate of operation registration.
Article 33. Rights and obligations of the Centers
1. The Centers have the following rights:
a) To give advice on matters on marriage and family involving foreign elements to Vietnamese citizens under guidance of the Woman’s Unions;
b) To give advice, improve for Vietnamese citizens on languages, cultures, customs and practices, as well as law on marriage and family, entry of countries which the involved parties expect to marry with citizen of such countries;
c) To give advice, help foreigners to inquire into matters regarding languages, cultures, customs and practices, as well as law on marriage and family of Vietnam;
d) To help the marriage partners to inquire into matters regarding the personal identification, families and social backgrounds of the parties, as well as other relevant matters requested by the parties; create favorable conditions for them to proceed to voluntary, equitable, progressive, happy and monogamous marriages;
dd) To grant written confirmation for Vietnamese citizens after they have been consulted, improved as prescribed in point a and point b clause 1 of this article;
e) To assist the parties in finalizing dossiers for marriage registration as prescribed by law, if have request;
g) In case where Vietnamese citizens or foreigners have demand to be introduced with foreigners or Vietnamese citizens for marriage, the centers may perform introduction;
h) To be entitled to perform coordination with legal organizations of marriage advisory, assistance of concerned foreign countries in order to settle matters related to marriage and family between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners as prescribed by law;
i) To receive remunerations to cover operation cost and be paid other reasonable actual costs as prescribed by law, ensure the non-profit principle;
k) To change content of operation registration certificate as prescribed in Article 34 of this Decree.
2. The Centers have the following obligations:
a) To carry out activities in strict accordance with the contents inscribed in the operation registration certificates;
b) To publicize the remunerations as prescribed by law;
c) To keep in secret of information, documents on private life of parties as prescribed by law;
d) To be inspected, managed by the Woman’s Unions;
dd) To report every 6 months and annually on activities of centers to the Woman’s Union and the provincial Justice Services, where register operation; report irregularly, supply documents of make explainations on matters related to activities of Centers at the request of competent state agencies;
e) To be inspected, examined by the Central Committee of Vietnam Woman’s Union, the Ministry of Justice, the provincial Justice Services where their operations have been registered and other competent agencies as prescribed by law;
g) To send final settlement on financial revenue and expenditure relating to advisory and assisstance activities on marriage and family involving foreign elements to the Woman’s Union, the provincial Justice Services where their operations have been registered;
h) Other obligations as prescribed by law.
Article 34. Changes in contents of the operation registration certificates of Centers
1. In cases where Centers wish to change their appellations and/or headquarters locations, they must send written requests for annotation on the changes, together with their operation registration certificates, to the provincial Justice Services where their operations have been registered.
Within 03 working days as from the date of receiving the written requests for annotation on the changes, the provincial Justice Services shall directly inscribe the changed contents in the operation registration certificates of the Centers and affix stamps for certification.
2. In cases where there are requests for replacement of the heads of the Centers or the operation contents of the Centers, the Woman’s Unions must send the written requests for the changes, clearly stating the purposes, contents and reasons for the changes, together with the operation registration certificates, to the provincial Justice Services where the Centers operations have been registered. In case of replacement of the heads of the Centers, the legal record cards of the substitutes which are issued within 03 months to the day of receiving dossire must be enclosed with the written requests for the change.
Within 05 working days as from fully receiving the valid dossiers, the provincial Justice Services shall directly inscribe the changed contents in the operation registration certificates of the Centers and affix stamps for certification. In case of refusing the changes, the Justice Services shall notify such in writing which clearly state reason thereof to the Woman’s Unions.
Article 35. Termination of operations of Centers
1. A Center shall terminate its operation in the following cases:
a) Women’s Union decides to dissolve the Center;
b) It is deprived indefinitely of the right to use the operation registration certificate by decision of a competent State body.
2. In case of operation termination under the provisions at Point a, Clause 1 of this Article, the Woman’s Union must send written notifications of the termination of operation of the Center to the provincial Justice Services where the Center has registered its operations, at least 30 days before the date of termination of operations of the Center. The Centers shall have to return the operation registration certificates to the provincial Justice Services where they previously registered their operation.
3. In cases of operation termination under the provisions at Point b, Clause 1 of this Article, the provincial Justice Services or other competent agencies must send decisions on indefinite deprivation of the right to use the operation registration certificate at least 30 days before the date the Centers are forced to terminate operations.
4. Before the date of operation termination, the Centers shall have to pay all debts (if any) to relevant organizations and/or individuals and settle all matters related to the operation termination; and make reports on thereon in writing to send to the Woman’s Unions and the provincial Justice Services where they previously registered their operation.
Chapter 5.


Article 36. Tasks and powers of the Ministry of Justice
The Ministry of Justice takes responsibility before the Government in unified state management over marriage and family involving foreign elements nationwide, having the following tasks and powers:
1. To formulate and submit to the competent State agencies for promulgation or to promulgate according to its competence legal documents on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
2. To guide the provincial-level People’s Committees and coordinate with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in directing and guiding the representative agencies in implementation of the law provisions on marriage and family involving foreign elements; to disseminate and educate in the legislation and settle cases on marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
3. To issue unified forms of books and papers for registration of civil status cases prescribed in this Decree.
4. To inspect and examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements; to settle complaints and denunciations according to the provisions of law and handle administrative violations on marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
5. To gather statistics on the registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, grant of confirmation on marriage status, annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed in this Decree.
6. To carry out international cooperation in the field of marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
Article 37. Tasks and powers of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs shall perform the State management over the marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law, having the following tasks and powers:
1. To direct the representative agencies in implementing the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements as well as on civil status registration operations; in taking measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of Vietnamese citizens in foreign countries in marriage and family relations in accordance with the laws of the host countries and the international agreements which Vietnam has signed or acceded to.
2. To direct the representative agencies in observing the regime of statistics and annual reports on the situation of registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children and annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, which fall under their settling jurisdiction as prescribed in this Decree.
To gather data for statistics and make annual reports on the situation of registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children and annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, which fall under their settling jurisdiction and send them to the Ministry of Justice.
3. To update and supply basic information on law, culture, customs and practices of host countries in order to do as basis for orientation of domestic propagation and advisory.
4. To inspect and examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements at representative agencies; to settle complaints and denunciations according to the provisions of law; and handle administrative violations on marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law.
5. To settle under their jurisdiction foreign affairs araising during the course of implementation of International treaties on marriage and family of which Vietnam is a member.
6. To issue copies from the original books of marriage certificates, decisions on father, mother or child recognition according to the provisions of law.
7. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
Article 38. Tasks and powers of the representative agencies
1. The representative agencies implement state management on marriage and family, having the following tasks and powers:
a) To implement the marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers, children; donatations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children in conformity with law of receiving countries and International treaties of which Vietnam is a member;
b) To make statistics and biannual and annual reports on the situation of registration of marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children and annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children, which fall under their settling jurisdiction as prescribed in this Decree.
c) To update basic information on law, culture, customs and practices of host countries, report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
d) To settle complaints, denunciation and handle administrative violations relating to settlement of civil status cases as prescribed by law;
e) To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
2. Foreign affair officers, consular officers who perform civil status work have responsibility to help representative agencies in implementation of specfic tasks and powers as prescribed in clause 1 of this Article, except for denunciation settlement specified in point d, clause a of this Article.
Article 39. Tasks and powers of the Ministry of Public Security
The Ministry of Public Security shall perform the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law, having the following tasks and powers:
1. To direct and guide the Police Services of the provinces and centrally-run cities assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the provincial Justice Services in verifying according to their specialized functions the requested matters in the dossiers of marriage registration as provided for in this Decree; to issue passports in time and create favorable conditions for Vietnamese citizens having their marriages registered, having been recognized as fathers, mothers or children to foreigners, to leave Vietnam when so requested.
2. To direct and take measures to prevent and combat activities of brokerage in marriage for the purpose of seeking profits, acts abusing the marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children to seek profits, traffic in, exploit the labor of, or sexually abuse, women and/or children as well as other acts of violating the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements.
3. To inspect, examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements according to the provisions of law.
4. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
Article 40. Tasks of the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government
The ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government shall, within the scope of their respective functions, tasks and powers, have to coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in performing the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements.
Article 41. Tasks and powers of the provincial People’s Committees
1. The provincial-level People’s Committees shall perform the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements in their respective localities, having the following tasks and powers:
a) To effect the registration of marriages which involve foreign elements, under the provisions of this Decree;
b) To disseminate and educate in the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements;
c) To make statistics, biannual and annual reports to the Ministry of Justice on the situation of registration of marriage, father, mother or child recognition as well as annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers or children as prescribed by this Decree; and the situation of observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements in their respective localities.
d) To ensure necessary conditions for the Woman’s Unions in provinces and centrally-run cities to establish Centers; facilitate for Centers to operate effectively; manage activities of Centers in their respective localities;
dd) To inspect and examine the observance of the legislation on marriage and family involving foreign elements in their respective localities; to settle complaints and denunciations and handle administrative violations on marriage and family involving foreign elements in acordance with law;
e) To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
2. The provincial Justice Services shall assist the provincial-level People’s Committees in performing the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements in the localities; registration for recognition of fathers, mothers, children; annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children; perform specific tasks and exercise specific powers prescribed in this Decree.
Article 42. The participation on state management over marriage and family involving foreign elements of the Central Committeee of Vietnam Women’s Union
The Ministry of Justice, the ministries, the ministerial-level agencies and the agencies attached to the Government, the provincial People’s Committees shall ensure for the Central Committee of Vietnam Women’s Union in participation in the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements as prescribed by law. The Central Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union participates in the State management over marriage and family involving foreign elements, having the following tasks and powers:
1. To establish Centers as prescribed in this Decree and implement management over activities of Centers.
2. To direct, guider the Woman’s Unions in provinces and centrally-run cities to establish Centers; and implement management over activities of Centers.
3. To direct, guide on organization and operation of Centers.
4. To coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in examination, inspection on organization and operation of Centers.
5. To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as provided for by law.
Chapter 7.


Article 43. Application of the Decree in special cases
This Decree is applied to register marriage, cognition of fathers, mothers, children between Vietnamese citizens who have foreign nationality with Vietnamese citizens or with foreigners.
Article 44. Paper required for stateless persons, persons with two or more foreign nationalities, Vietnamese citizens residing in other countries
1. In case this Decree fails to specify for papers issued by competent agencies of other countries, which are used in marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers, children of stateless persons, persons with two or more foreign nationalities, these papers shall be defined as follows:
a) For stateless persons, these are papers issued by competent agencies of countries where such person reside permanently;
b) For persons with two or more foreign nationalities, these are papers issued by competent agencies of countries where such person have nationality and reside permanently; If such persons do not permanently reside in any of the countries which they bear the nationalities of, they are papers issued by competent agencies of the countries which such persons carry the passports of;
2. For Vietnamese citizens permanently residing abroad, the papers for use in the registration of marriage, father, mother or child recognition as well as annotations in registers for marriage, father, mother or child recognition shall be those issued by competent agencies of the countries where such persons permanently reside or by the representative agencies in those countries.
Article 45. Effect
1. This Decree takes effect on May 15, 2013.
2. To annul the Government’s Decree No. 68/2002/ND-CP of July 10, 2002 detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the marriage and family law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements (hereinafter referred to as the Decree No.68/2002/ND-CP) the Government’s Decree No. 69/2006/ND-CP of July 21, 2006, amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Decree No. 68/2002/ND-CP (hereinafter referred to as the Decree No. 69/2006/ND-CP).
3. The dossiers of application for marriage registration, recognition of fathers, mothers, children; annotations in registers for marriage, recognition of fathers, mothers, children, which have been carried out by foreign competent agencies in other countries and received by Vietnam’s competent agencies before this Decree takes effect shall continue to be settled according to the provisions of Decree No.68/2002/ND-CP and Decree No. 69/2006/ND-CP.
The dossiers of granting confirmation on marriage status for Vietnamese citizens residing in country used for marriage with foreigners at foreign competent agencies in orther countries, which have been received by Vietnam’s competent agencies before this Decree takes effect shall continue to be settled according to the provisions of Decree No. 158/2005/ND-CP of December 27, 2005 on civil status registration and management and the Government’s Decree No.06/2012/ND-CP of February 02, 2012, amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decrees on civil status, marriage and family as well as authentication.
4. The Minister of Justice shall organize implementation of this Decree.
5. The ministers, the heads of the ministerial-level agencies, the heads of the agencies attached to the Government, the presidents of the People’s Committees of all levels, as well as relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals shall implement this Decree.

Nguyen Tan Dung

The post Decree No. 24/2013/ND-CP of March 28, 2013, detailing the implementation of a number of articles of the Marriage and Family Law regarding the marriage and family relations involving foreign elements appeared first on MP Law Firm.
